Welcome to this website for the Catholic Ethnic Communities of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, and all those interested in working for One World inspired by the teaching of Jesus Christ on Peace, Love and Forgiveness.
If you wish to contribute to the website with pictures, and reports on events, please send to: Monsignor Daniel McHugh, Co-ordinator for Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions
email: co-ordinator.ethnic.chaplaincy@rcaob.org.uk telephone: 07812 110 640.
Future Dates:
Saturday 7 June 2025 12 noon. Intercultural Mass to mark the Solemnity of Pentecost.
Praying for Priestly Vocations. Celebrant: Bishop David Evans. Venue: Our Lady and St Brigid’s Church and School, Frankley Beeches Road, Northfield, Birmingham B31 5AB. Intercultural Mass 2025-Flyer
Opportunities for Pilgrimages to mark the Jubilee Year: Walsingham 10 May; Evesham 5 July; and Harvington 7 September. Please let Mgr McHugh know if you are interested.
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 6 March 2025
Dear All,
I am pleased to send you information about the National Course for Pastoral Ministers from overseas. It is particularly relevant to those working with Catholic Ethnic Communities, especially those new to the UK in the past few years. Archbishop Bernard Longley gives wholehearted support to this, and I have personally been to see the course in action.
I am also sending you information about a very worthwhile Pilgrimage (21-26 July) being arranged by Aid to the Church in Need. I recommend it especially because of the places of Catholic interest in York and the surrounding towns: Ripon, Beverley and the ruins of Fountains Abbey.
Finally, I am sending you a link to my weekly Reflection; it will be part of the Burning Bush vlog which will be on our website, Our Lady of Good Counsel, tomorrow, Friday 7 March.
With prayers for your special Ministry.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
ACN Pilgrimage 2025 poster – Jubilee version DOC270225-27022025145837 Reflection for the 1st Week of Lent 9 March 2025
This week’s Reflection
Reflection for the 1st Week of Lent 9 March 2025
Coming Friday 7 March 2025
The Ethnic Chaplaincies operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdioceses policies & procedures at all times. The Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 0121 230 6240/ safeguarding@rcaob.org.uk if you have any concern.
- Safeguarding Statement – 14.-Safeguarding-Statement-Parish
- Birmingham Archdiocese Safeguarding – Safeguarding
- Safe Spaces statement – safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk
- “The Isaiah Journey” – Survivors-Guide.pdf (cbcew.org.uk)
Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agencies https://catholicsafeguarding.org.uk/