
Welcome to this website for the Catholic Ethnic Communities of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, and all those interested in working for One World inspired by the teaching of Jesus Christ on Peace, Love and Forgiveness.

If you wish to contribute to the website with pictures, and reports on events, please send to:  Monsignor Daniel McHugh, Co-ordinator for Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions
email: co-ordinator.ethnic.chaplaincy@rcaob.org.uk  telephone: 07812 110 640.

Future Dates for your Diary:

    • Rome – Assisi 26 October -2 November 2024

This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 11 July 2024

Dear All,
I am pleased to send you a flyer about the Ethiopian Chaplaincy.  Fr Tilahun has arrived recently and has a challenge to reach out to the small Ethiopian Catholic Community in the Archdiocese and to the North.  He will celebrate his first Mass in St Francis, Handsworth, Birmingham.  If you can assist by distributing the flyers in your Chaplaincies, Parishes and Schools it would be appreciated.
As usual I am sending my Reflection for this weekend; I have picked up on the political situation we see unfolding in the country and elsewhere.  I have noted the words of Pope Francis at the recent Italian Catholic Social Week in Trieste, and the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network Intention for August.  I hope you find this helpful as you prepare your own Homily for the coming weekend.  The Reflection will feature in our Burning Bush vlog which will be on our website from tomorrow, Thursday.
Prayers and all good wishes for your Ministry, Mgr Daniel McHugh

15th Week in Ordinary Time 14 July 2024  Ethiopians Geez Rite Mass-21 July 2024

This week’s Reflection: 15th Week in Ordinary Time 14 July 2024


The Ethnic Chaplaincies operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdioceses policies & procedures at all times. The Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 0121 230 6240/ safeguarding@rcaob.org.uk if you have any concern.

Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agencies https://catholicsafeguarding.org.uk/

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