Polish Chaplaincy

National Director and Vicar Delegate: Mgr. Stefan Wylezek, 2 Devonia Road, lslington, London N1 8JJ office@pcmew.org; 020 7226 3439 https://www.pcmew.org/parafie/

Fr Krzysztof Kita; Fr Ryszard Hanaczewski: 6 New Meeting Street, Birmingham, B4 7UG Tel: 0121 643 0940.
Masses: Sat for Sun 6pm, Sun 9.30am, 11.30am and 6pm Weekdays 10.30am. Holydays: 10.30am, 7pm in St Michaels, Moor Street.

Fr Romuald Szczodrowski ThD, The Prebytery, Coventry CV1 4GR Tel: 024 76 222455
St. Stanislaus Kostka 024 76 222455 Springfield Road. Coventry, CV1 4GR www.parafiacoventry.org.uk
Masses: (Sat. for Sun. 5.00pm), Sunday 9am, 11am, 6pm: Weekdays 10.30am; Holydays 10.30am, 7pm

Rugby, Leamington Spa, Banbury
Fr Wladyslaw Liptak (Communio in Christo) 17 Lawford Road, Rugby. CV21 2EB 01788 560478 / 07511 036186 https://www. pcmew.org/parafie/
Banbury, St John the Evangelist, 25 South Bar Street, OX16 9AF, last Sunday of the month 3.15pm;
Banbury, St Joseph the Worker, Edmunds Road, OX16 0PP, 2nd Sunday of the
month, 3.15pm;
Leamington Spa Polish Centre,54 High Street, CV31 1LW, Saturday 5.30pm, Sunday 10.15am;
Rugby, St Maries, Dunchurch Road CV22 5EL. Sunday 12.30pm
Rugby, Divine Mercy Chapel. 17 Lawford Road, Sunday 6.00pm; Southam, St Joseph’s, CV47 2AR, 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, 3.15pm

Stratford-upon-Avon (served from Redditch) .St Gregory the Great, Warwick Road. Mass: Sundays & Holydays 1.00pm

Oxford, Area
Fr Krzysztof Pajak, 59 Carlton Road, Summertown, Oxford OX2 7SB Tel: 01865 510354. Mass: Oxford (Blackfriars, St Giles), Sundays 11.15: Holydays 8.00pm.

Redditch, Evesham
Fr Damian Tomczyk, 118. Oakley Road, Redditch, Worcs. B97 4EJ. Tel:01527 65131. (Mass: Sunday 9.45 at Our Lady’s, Beoley Road; 4pm at St Mary and St Egwin, High Street, Evesham WR11 4EJ).

Stafford Area
Fr Wiktor Ostrowski, St Patrick’s Presbytery, King Street, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 3AP (Shewsbury Diocese) 07926 044405. Masses at Stafford

Stoke-on’Trent, Buxton, Leek
Fr Jacek Jablonski, 43 Watkin Street, Stoke-On-Trent,  ST4 4PF’ Tel: 01782 411195′ Mass: Stoke-on-Trent, 11am, 2pm, 7pm; Buxton Sat for Sun 5pm; Leek Sat for Sun 7pm

Wallsall and West Bromwich
Fr lreneusz Maraszkiewicz,18 Fitzguy  Close, West Bromwich B70 6RU. Tel: 0747 024 0939; 0121 532 4548)
St. Thomas of Canterbury Dartmouth Avenue, Walsall WS3 1SP. Tel: 01922 676923  thomaschurchhouse@gmail.com. Mass; Sunday 12.30pm;
St Michael and the Holy Angels, 260 High Street, West Bromwich, B70 8AQ  0121 553 0034 Mass: Sundav 4pm

Wolverhampton and District
Fr Tomasz Maziaez, 74 Green Drive, wolverhampton, WV10 6DW Tel: 01902 422833 (Masses see Wolverhampton Holy Trinity)

Worcester and Kidderminster District
Fr Mcrek Ogorzaly, Kidderminister, Our Lady of Ostra Brama. Masses: Sunday 10am and 6pm. Holydays: 7pm. Confessions before each Mass.
Worcester,  St George,  Sansome Place. Mass: Sunday 2.00pm. Confessions after Mass and on request.
Note: All marriage papers concerning Poles should be arranged by Polish Chaplains in the various districts in conjunction with the local parish priests. If a Polish marriage is performed by a parish priest, notification of contracted marriage should be sent to the Polish chaplain who issued the necessary papers. All references for Poles whether for character or for any other purpose should be given by their respective Polish chaplains.