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This week’s Reflection: Reflection for 10th Week of the Year in Ordinary Time 9 June 2024

This week’s Reflection: Reflection for Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart 2 & 7 June 2024

This week’s Reflection: Reflection for The Most Holy Trinity–26 May 2024

This week’s Reflection: Reflection for Pentecost Sunday–19 May 2024

This week’s Reflection: Reflection for the 7th Week of Easter12 May 2024

This week’s Reflection:  The Ascension of the Lord 9 May 2024

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This week’s Reflection: Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Easter28 April 2024

Older news Archive

This week’s Reflection: Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Easter–21 April 2024

This week’s Reflection: Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Easter–14 April 2024


This week’s Reflection: Reflection for Easter Sunday–31 March 2024



This week’s Reflection: Reflection for Palm Sunday of the Passion–24 March 2024

This week’s Reflection.   Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent 2024

This week’s Reflection.  Reflection for the 3rd Week of Lent 2024

This week’s Reflection. Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Lent 2024“How can I renounce the King who saved me” (St Polycarp Feast 23 Feb)

This week’s Reflection for Reflection for Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time and the Season of Lent 11th and 14th February 2024 “Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name” (Psalm 30:4)

This week’s Reflection for 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time and World Day of Prayer for the Sick–4 & 11 February 2024 “In the morning, long before dawn, He got up and left the house, and went off to a lonely place and prayed there” (Mark 1:35).

This week’s Reflection for   4th Sunday of the Year and the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord–28 January & 2 February 2024

This week’s Reflection for  Third Sunday of Ordinary Time 21 January 2024

Reflection  2nd Sunday of the Year 14 January 2024 “Speak Lord, your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3)

Reflection Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord January 7 2024


Reflection Solemnity of Mary Mother of God-Queen of Peace-1 January 2024

Reflection for Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord 25 December 2023

Reflection for 3rd Week of Advent Sunday 17 December 2023

Reflection for 2nd Week of Advent and Our Lady of Guadalupe 10 and 12 December 2023

#Reflection for Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent (Year B) and St Nicholas of Bari 3 + 6 December 2023

Reflection for   Solemnity of Christ the King 26 November 2023 “The Lord will bless his people with peace”(Psalm 28).


Reflection for 33rd Week of the Year and Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – 19-21 November
2023 33rd Week of the Year and the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Reflection for 32nd Week of Ordinary Time and the Feast of St Hilda of Whitby, 2/17 November
2023, “Wisdom …. is found in those who look for her” (Wisdom 6:12)

Reflection for 31st  Week of the Year and “Laudate Deum” (Praise God) – 5 November 2023 “Lord: you will show me the path of life and fill me with joy in your presence” Communion Antiphon (31st Sunday)  31st Week of the Year and Laudate Deum 2023


Reflection for 30th Week of Ordinary Time and the Solemnity of All Saints 2023 “You broke with idolatory when you were converted to God, and became servants of the real living God” (1 Thes 1:5-10)

Older news Archive

Reflection : 29th Week of the Year World Mission Sunday 22 October 2023

Reflection :28th Week of the Year 2023 and Mission “The Catholic Church must respond more strongly to people’s search for God”

Reflecton:  27th Week of the Year 2023 “I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father”

Reflecton: 26th Week of the Year 2023 ““Lord, make me know your ways” (Psalm 24) ”


Reflecton: 23rd Week and the Exaltation of the Cross 1014 September 2023


Reflecton: 22nd Week and Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 3–8 September

Reflection for 21st Week and St Margaret and St Margaret Clitherow 27-30 August 2023

Reflection for 20th Week of The Year and Bl. Dominic Barberi 20 – 26 August 2023

Reflection for the Transfiguration of the Lord_6 August 2023

Refelection for 17th Sunday of the Year and World Youth Day 30 July–6 August

Reflection for the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time 23rd July 2023

Reflection for the 14th Week of the Year_9th July 2023  “I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls (Mt 11)”

Reflection: The Thirteenth Week of the Year and the Feast of St Oliver Plunkett 1st and 2nd July 2023. “Anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it”. Reflection for the 13th Week of the Year_1st & 2nd July 2023

Reflection: 12th Week of the Year and St Peter and St Paul (25 and 29 June 2023) “The Lord is on my side, a mighty hero” (Jeremiah 20).Reflection 12th Week 2023

Reflection: Reflection for the 11th Week of the Year_18 June 2023 “You received without charge, give without charge”

Reflection: Reflection for Corpus Christi 11 June 2023 “The love of the Lord is everlasting”

Reflection: Reflection for the Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity_4 June 2023

Reflection:Reflection for the Solemnity of Pentecost 2023

Reflection: Reflection for the 7th week of Easter 2023

Reflection: Reflection for the 6th week of Easter 2023

Reflection: Reflection for the 5th week of Easter 2023 “You are a consecrated nation, a people set apart to sing the praises of God who called us out of darkness into his own wonderful light” (1 Peter 2)


https://youtu.be/gwAv-nmJjugReflection: Reflection for the 4th week of Easter  “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10.10)

Reflection: Reflection for the 3rd week of Easter 2023 “The Disciples recognised Jesus in the breaking of bread, alleluia” (Luke 24:35)

ReflectionReflection for the 2nd week of Easter 2023 “What must we do brother?”

Reflection: Easter Sunday 2023“The Lord is truly risen, Alleluia.”

Reflection:Fifth week of Lent with reference to the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
25th/26th March 2023 Reflection for the 5th Week of Lent “I am the Resurrection and the Life” says the Lord

Reflection: Reflection for the 4th Week of Lent_ 19th & 20th March 2023 “He has led the human race that walked in darkness into the radiance of the Faith”  Preface 4th Sunday Year A

Reflection: Third Week of Lent Reflection – 11th & 12th March 2023 “We have heard him ourselves and we know he really is the saviour of the world”

Reflection: Second Week of Lent Reflection – 5 March 2023  “We place all our trust in you” (Psalm 32)”

Reflection: First Week of Lent Reflection – 26 February 2023 “You must worship the Lord your God, and serve him alone”

Reflection: 7th week of the Year and Ash Wednesday Reflection “You belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.”


Reflection:  6th Week of the Year and World Day of Prayer for the Sick 12/13 February 2023 “Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name” (Psalm 30) link

Reflection: 5th week in Ordinary Time and Candlemas Reflection


Reflection: Third week in Ordinary Time Reflection -22 & 23 January 2023

Reflection: Reflection for Second Week in Ordinary Time 15 January 2023

Reflection: The Baptism of the Lord Reflection 8 January 2023

Reflection: Solemnity of Mary Holy Mother of God 1 Jan 2023

No Video

Reflection / Homily: Christmas Day Reflection-

Reflection / Homily: 4th Sunday of Advent Reflection “Emmanuel, God is with us.”

Reflection / Homily: Reflection for 3rd week of Advent 2022 “From Starry Skies Thou Comest”

Reflection / Homily: Second Week of Advent 4th/5th December 2022 “Prepare the way of the Lord.” 2nd Sunday of Advent Reflection

Reflection / Homily: “Breaking the Silence on Persecution of Christians”

19/20 November 2022 Solemnity of Christ the King

Reflection / Homily 33rd Week of the Year and the Persecuted Church: 13th / 14th November
Reflection by Mgr Daniel McHugh link

Reflection / Homily 32nd Week of the Year  and November Prayer for the Departed: 6th/7th November.

Reflection / Homily for  31st Week of the Year and All Saints   30th October/1st November.“The fullness of joy in your presence, O Lord” (Psalm 15)


Reflection / Homily   30th Week of the Year and World Mission Day: 23rd/24th October “God be merciful to me, a sinner”

Reflection / Homily  29th Week of the Year

Burning Bush Special from Greece 9/10 October 2022 “In all things give thanks” (1 Thes. 5:18).


Reflection / Homily for 27th Week in Ordinary Time: Living through Turmoil. 2/3 October 2022. “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” link

Reflection / Homily for 26th Week in Ordinary Time and World Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees: 25/26 September 2022 Reflection 26th Week of the Year 22  “Together we make a difference”

Reflection / Homily: Reflection for the 25th Week of the Year “He wants everyone to be saved and reach full knowledge of the truth”  25th Week of Ordinary Time and Home Mission Sunday: 18th/19th September by Mgr Daniel McHugh


Reflection / Homily: Reflection for the 24th Week of the Year  and the Season of Creation: 11th/12th September by Mgr Daniel McHugh

Reflection / Homily: Reflection for the 22nd Week of the Year , 28 August, “Called to Greatness” by Mgr Daniel McHugh

Reflection / Homily: Reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time,  21st August, “Keeping the Flame of Faith Burning” by Mgr Daniel McHugh


Reflection / Homily: Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 14th/15th August
Reflection/Homily by Mgr Daniel McHugh “My spirit exults in God my Saviour”

Reflection / Homily19th Week of Ordinary Time 7th/8th August “Our Soul is waiting for the Lord” https://youtu.be/1wuoLYNchDU

Reflection / Homily17th Week of Ordinary Time 24/25 July,  World Day of Prayer for Grandparents and Elderly “In old age they still bear fruit” (ps. 92:15)

Reflection / Homily:  16th Week of the Ordinary Time 17/18th July.  Reflection/Homily by Mgr Daniel McHugh. “I stand at the door and knock” 16th Week of Ordinary Time

Reflection / Homily:  15th Week of the Ordinary Time 10/11th July.  Reflection/Homily by Mgr Daniel McHugh. “The Lord listens to the needy” 15th Week of the Year.


Reflection / Homily: 14th Week of Ordinary Time 3/4 July.  Reflection/Homily by Mgr Daniel McHugh  14th Week of Ordinary Time “Christ our Peace: Fear, Pain and Death will not have the last word.”

Reflection / Homily: 13th Week of the Year: a Reflection by Mgr Daniel McHugh on Readings for the 13th
Sunday (26th June) and St Peter and St Paul (29th June)  “I will follow you wherever you go”
13th Week of the Year

reflection for

Reflection / Homily: 19  June 2022 Reflection for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: 19 June 2022 “In the Eucharist the Heart of Jesus beats for us still” link

Reflection / Homily: 12 June 2022 The Most Holy Trinity  “Celebrating Selfless Love”

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Reflection / Homily: Pentecost 1.6.22 1st June 2022

Reflection / Homily:  7th Week of Easter: 29/30 May 2022 Reflection 7th Week of Easter 2022 “Everyone Matters”

Reflection / Homily: 6th Week of Easter: 22/23  May 2022  “A peace teh world cannot give” 6th Week of Easter

Reflection / Homily:  Fifth Week of Easter: 15/16  May 2022  “The Lord of the Dance” 5th Week of Easter

Older news Archive

Reflection / Homily:  Fourth Week of Easter: 8/9  May 2022  “Teach me still thy voice to hear” 4th Week of Easter


Reflection / Homily:  Third Week of Easter: 1st/2nd May 2022  “My Ways: Ways of Light.” Third Week of Easter

Reflection / Homily: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord: 10th/11th April 2022. “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” Palm Sunday

Reflection / Homily:  3rd/4th April 2022 .  “Deliver us O Lord from our bondage.” Fifth Week of Lent

Podcast: Ash Wednesday 2nd  March 2022 Podcast United in Love and Prayer 10.3.22

Reflection / Homily:The Annunciation and Laetare: 25th/27th March 2022  The Annunciation “Rejoice”

Reflection / Homily: Third Week of Lent “I will give you a new Spirit, says the Lord” Ezekiel 36:26

Reflection / Homily: Second Week of Lent “The Transfiguration – we behold the splendor of God shining on the face of Jesus”

Podcast: Ash Wednesday 2nd  March 2022 Podcast United in Love and Prayer 10.3.22

Reflection / Homily:  First Week of Lent “My God in whom I trust” (from the Responsorial Psalm)

Podcast: Ash Wednesday 2nd  March 2022

Reflection / Homily: Eighth Week of Ordinary TimeA man’s words flow out from what fills his heart”

Reflection / Homily Seventh Week of Ordinary  20/21 February 2022 “Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son.”


Reflection / Homily  Sixth Week of Ordinary Time  13/14 February 2022 . “A kingdom that is not of this world.”

Podcast: 3 February St Bega and the Lakes Text for St Bega and the Lakes

27 January Hong Kongers – Notes on Meeting Sunday 16th January  The Open University Hong Kongers

Reflection / Homily: Fourth Week of Ordinary Time  and the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord: 30th
January / 2nd February 2022 “Does Candlemas bring Christmas to an end?”

Reflection / Homily: Reflection 3rd Week 2022 in Ordianry Time: 23/24 January  “One who has hope lives differently.” (Pope Benedict XVI)

Reflection / Homily: 2nd Week Ordinary Time: 16/17 January 2022 “We have come to know and to believe in the love that God has for us.”  Also this week Hong Kongers – Programme for Sunday 16th January

Reflection / Homily:First Week of Ordinary Time 9/10 Jan 2022 “You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you”

Reflection / HomilySecond Week after Christmas: This is the only Son, who is nearest to the Father’s heart who has made Him known.”

Reflection / HomilyChristmas and the Holy Family: 25th /26th December
“I bring you news of great joy: a Saviour has been born for us, Christ the Lord”

Reflection / Homily Fourth Week of Advent  18/19 December 2021 “His name will be called Emmanuel”

Reflection / HomilyThird  Week of Advent “Rejoice … indeed the Lord is near”

Reflection / Homily: Second Week of Advent “Behold the joy that comes to you from God.”

Reflection / Homily First Week of Advent

Reflection / Homily Solemnity of Chrst the King: “All who are on the side of truth, listen to my voice.”

Reflection / Homily 33rd Week of the Year “To be near God is my happiness, to place my hope in God, the Lord.” (Communion Antophon)

PodcastPodcast St Josaphat

32nd Week of the Year

“The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.”

Podcast31st Week of the Year

“Think of the love the Father has lavished on us by letting us be called ”God’s Children””

“The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Reflection for 29th Week of Ordinary Time, 17th/18th October 2021

“Those who seek the Lord Lack no Blessing”. Reflection Sunday 9th/10th Oct 2021


May the Lord Bless Us All the Days of Our Life – 27th Week of Ordinary Time


“God’s Spirit in the World.”26th Week of Ordinary Time

Reflection / Homily: 23rd Week of the Year

Reflection / Homily: 22nd Week of the Year

Reflection / Homily: 21st Week of the Year

Reflection / Homily: The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Reflection/Homily: 19th week of Ordinary Time

Reflection/Homily: 17th week of Ordinary Time


Reflection / Homily: 16th week of Ordinary Time

11th July: 15th week of Ordinary Time

4th July:  14th week of Ordinary Time

27th June “You have the message of eternal life” 13th Week of Ordinary Time

Podcast: Podcast Saint Etheldreda (Audrey) and Ely Cathedral

20th June “Even the wind and the sea obey him.” 12th week of the Year

13th June Reflection / Homily: 11th Sunday of the Year


Sunday 6th June 2021. 8pm Livestream Mass from Maryvale:

Sunday 6th June Reflection / Homily:Corpus Christi

The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ: 6th June 2021. “The cup of salvation I will raise; I will call on the Lord’s name.”

30th May  Reflection/Homily: Trinity Sunday

23rd May Reflection / Homily:  Pentecost


16th May: Reflection/Homily: 7th week of Easter 16th 17th May Video:

9th May:  Reflection/Homily: 6th week of Easter Video:

Podcast text: The Rosary 6th May

2nd May 2021

Reflection/Homily: Fifth Week of Easter Video:


25th April 2021

Reflection/Homily:  Fourth Week of Easter “The Good Shepherd has risen, who laid down His life for His sheep”

18th April 2021

Reflection/Homily: Third Week of Easter 15.4.21  “Lord Jesus explain the Scriptures to us”

9th April 2021

Reflection/Homily:  Second Week of Easter “Peace be with you”

2nd April 2021

Stations of the Cross  31 March 2021 video link  The Angelus 25th March 2021 video link

Reflection/Homily: Easter Sunday 1.4.21

26th March 2021

Reflection/Homily: Palm Sunday 25.3.21

19th March 2021

Reflection/Homily: Fifth Week of Lent 18.3.21

12th March 2021

Reflection/Homily:”God sent His son into the world not to condemn the world, but so that
through Him the world might be saved”  Fourth Week of Lent

5th March 2021

Reflection/Homily: “You Lord, have the message of eternal life” Third Week of Lent

28 February / 1 March 2021

Reflection/Homily: “This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to Him” Second Week of Lent

21/22 February 2021

Reflection/Homily: First Week of Lent 18.2.21 “Lord, make me know your ways”

14/15 February 2021

Reflection/Homily: “He had to stay outside in places where nobody lived” 6th Week in Ordinary Time 

7/8 February 2021

Reflection/Homily: “I should be punished if I did not preach the Gospel” 5th Week in Ordinary Time


2 February 2021

Recording of 8pm Mass for Candlemas: https://youtu.be/jP36uNuT28c

31 January / 1 February 2021

Reflection/Homily: “He taught them with Authority.” Fourth Week in Ordinary Time 28.1.21


24/25 January 2021

Reflection/Homily: “Lord, make me know your ways” 3rd Week in Ordinary Time 21.1.21


17/18 January 2021

Reflection/Homily: Second Week in Ordinary Time 14.1.21

Also: Poster 22.1.2021 Accompanying Couples over a Lifetime (May 2020)


10/11 January 2021

Reflection/Homily: Solemnity of the Epiphany 6.1.21 and Baptism of the Lord 7.1.21

2/3 January 2021

Reflection/Homily: Second Sunday after Christmas 31.12.21 ““The word was made flesh and He lived among us.”

26/27  December 2020

Reflection/Homily: Christmas Mass 23.12.20 “The people that walked in darkness has seen a great light”

19/20 December 2020

Reflection/Homily: Fourth Week of Advent 17.12.85 “You are my Father”

12/13 December 2020

Reflection/Homily: Third Week of Advent 10.12.20  “My Spirit Rejoices in God my Saviour.”

3/4 December 2020

Reflection/Homily:  Second Week of Advent 3.12.20  “Open our Hearts in Welcome”

28/29 November 2020

Reflection/Homily:  First Week of Advent 26.11.20“Waiting for Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

21/22 November 2020

Reflection/Homily: Solemnity of Christ the King 19.11.20 “I am going to look after my flock myself and keep all of it in view.”

8/9 November 2020

Reflection/Homily 33rd Week in Ordinary Time 12.11.20 “Keep Faithful and I will give you the Crown of Life.”

1/2 November

Reflection/Homily: 32nd Week in Ordinary Time 5.11.20 “For you my soul is thirsting O God, my God”

3 November 2020

Visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham and Adoration in the Basilica: prayers for the Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions.

1/2 November 2020

Reflection/Homily:All Saints and All Souls 29.10.20  “Everyone is invited to the Feast”

24/25 October 2020

Reflection / Homily: Reflection 30th Week of the Year 22.10.20 “This is the greatest and first Commandment”

One World Week -Intercultural Celebration. Archdiocese of Birmingham 18-25 October 2020

“Everyone is Invited to the Feast” One World Week link and news story link

17/18 October 2020

Homily/Reflection: 29th Week in Ordinary Time 15.10.20

11th October 2020

A short vlog covering Mgr Daniel McHugh Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our lady of Good Counsel near Rome  ‘Tutto Andra Bene – All will be well’ link

10/11 October 2020

Homily/Reflection: 27th Week in Ordinary Time 1.1.20

3/4 October 2020

Homily/Reflection: 27th Week in Ordinary Time 1.1.20

26/27th September 2020

Homily/Reflection: 26th Week in Ordinary Time 24.9.20


19/20th September 2020

Homily/Reflection: 25th Week in Ordinary Time 17.9.20


12/13th September 2020

Homily/Reflection: 24th Week in Ordinary Time 10.9.20


6th September 2020 

Homily/Reflection:  23rd Week in Ordinary Time 3.9.20


30 August 2020

Homily/Reflection: Reflection 22nd Week of the Year

23 August 2020

Homily/Reflection: Reflection 21st Week of the Year

15 August 2020

Reflection Feast of the Assumption Reflection Assumption of Our Lady

9 August 2020

Reflection Reflection 19th Week of the Year

2/3 August 2020

Reflection 18th Week of the Year “Nothing can come between us and the Love of Christ”


26/27 July 2020

Reflection 17th Week of the Year “The Treasure Beyond Price”


19/20 July 2020

Reflection for the 16th Week of the Year – “After sin you will grant repentance”


10th July 2020

Pilgrimage to Cascia 6 -9 July https://youtu.be/Ga1JP2RKow0

5/6 July 2020 Reflection for the  14th Week of the Year  “The Golden Rule”  Read


28/29 June 2020

Reflection Solemnity St Peter and St Paul


21/22 June 2020

Reflection 12th Week of the Year 2


14/15 June 2020

Reflection Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Reflection Solemnity of Body and Blood of Christ


7 / 8 June 2020

Reflection Trinity Sunday https://youtu.be/xULCbow9mlM

30/31 May 2020

bflg_Letter to Chinese Community 220520

Reflection Pentecost Sunday


23/24 May 2020


Reflection 7th Sunday of Easter


16/17 May

Reflection 6th Sunday of Easter – God with Us


9/10 May 2020

Reflection for 5th Sunday of Easter: – You Point The Way

Punjabi Chaplaincy  NewsLetter 07.05.2020  Reflection 5th Sunday of Easter


3rd May 2020

Reflection for 4th Sunday of Easter: The Good Shepherd

Reflection 4th Sunday of Easter

1st May 2020.

Reflection for 3rd Sunday of Easter: Grounded in Hope.

25th April 2020

Reflection 3rd Week of Easter NewsLetter 25.04.2020

10th April 2020

Reflection for Easter: Grounds for Hope. https://youtu.be/THVhx_5vp7IRead a copy of the Reflection link

26 February 2020

Watch Mgr Daniel McHugh latest Video  link

2 February 2020

Interview with Bishop Kenneth Nowokowski head of  the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Britain

Bishop Kenneth Nowokowsk, new head of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Britain. Mgr McHugh first met “Fr Ken” with Abp Couve de Murville in Lviv, Ukraine in 1996. He met him again on Sunday 2nd February 2020 at the Ukrainian Cathedral in London. Listen to the interview.

1 February  2020

Interview with Fr Jeremy Howard, Chaplain to the Francophone Community

Mgr McHugh met with him on 1 February in Our Lady of Lourdes in Hednesford to plan involvement of the Catholic Ethnic Chaplaincies at the next Pilgrimage Day. Listen to a short interview.

Syro-Malabar Parish. Story link Photos link

In preparation for Palm Sunday, Mgr McHugh visited Fr George Ettuparayil and interviewed him. Listen here:
