This Website is under the Patronage of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mary, the Woman who said “yes” to the mission she was given by God of bringing the Saviour into the world.
The Website features the different Catholic Ethnic Communities gathering for Mass and community occasions, where their culture, faith and social engagement are celebrated. At the same time, there are copies of talks and conferences concerning issues that face these ethnic communities and their mission to make the world a better place.
If you wish to contribute to the website with pictures, and reports on events, please forward the same to the Office of the Co-ordinator of Catholic Ethnic Communities:
Email: phone: 07812 110 640
Our Lady of Good Counsel is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Mary lived her entire life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who overshadowed her at the Annunciation. She gave herself totally to God’s plan for her life and the life of her Divine Son.
Monsignor Daniel McHugh, Co-ordinator for Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions.