Information for our Friends from Hong Kong

24th June 2022

(taken from weekly newsletter)

Last Sunday, 26th June, the Hong Kong people held a lovely Family Afternoon in St George and St Teresa, Dorridge.  We have been conscious that in the Midlands area many have not been able to get places in Catholic Schools.  The purpose of the Family Afternoon was to place more emphasis on the Family as a place for Catechesis.  We are just at the beginning of working out how to take this forward so any advice you have from your experience of Catechesis and Formation in your Community will be most welcome.  We were assisted by Lianne Pap, Marriage and Family Life Co-ordinator.  Thankfully the World Meeting of Families was taking place in Rome (22nd– 26th June) and I was able to draw on the online resources for this when I prepared my Reflection given during the half-hour of Prayer and Adoration; I am attaching it (next week it will be available as a Podcast) Welcoming Hong Kongers Family Afternoon Podcast.

7 April 2022: Chinese church

A special event at 3pm on 20 March at Holy Cross Church/Hall (Postcode: B76 2SJ) dealing with Jobs, School Places, Housing and ESOL.  All welcome; no charge; please book in using the reply slip on link Welcoming Hong Kongers_Sutton Coldfield.

Sunday 13 February 2022 Celebrating Chinese New Yearat St Augustine’s.

27 January 2022 – Update for Hong Kongers

The Open University Hong Kongers

Notes on Meeting Sunday 16th January and some screen shots from the call:

5 December 2021 – Welcome

Warm welcome given to new friends from Hong Kong.5 December 2021.  link.

16 October 2021