Other News

From the Ethiopian community St Francis Church Birmingham July 2024

“Blessing, glory, thanksgiving, and power forever and ever be to him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.” Revelation 5:13.

My beloved people of God, peace be with you. The Ethiopian community and I would like to take this time out to say a heartfelt thank you to all. Each one of you yesterday would merit a personal thank you. Sunday,21July 2024,we were all together celebrating the liturgy of Holy Mass in Geez rite for the Ethiopian community, the first time at St Francis Catholic Birmingham Diocese.The day of the event was so awesome that made an appreance in future service has left an indeliable imprinted and contributed to the bigger picture to grow our own faith. On this occasion, my dear brothers and sisters who were not coming because of unseen circumstances please come for the next gathering and embrace your inherent value, seek your community, and don’t be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. Once again, thank you. God be with you. I am looking forward to seeing you at our next gathering! Fr.Tilahun Tenkir Chaplaincy of Ethiopian community St Francis Church Birmingham.

14 March 2021. Catholic Traveller – Santi Cosma e Damiano. One of Rome’s most beautiful apse mosaics. A church located in the heart of Ancient Rome, but most people don’t even notice it.  https://youtu.be/3RYsNAe8TBE

24 January 2021. Link to the Bulletin from the Chaldean Patriarch in Iraq: http://saint-adday.com/?p=41411  Cardinal Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean Rite Catholic Community in Iraq, issues a Bulletin from Baghdad, expressing appreciation of the prayers being offered in the Archdiocese for the success of the Holy Father´s pastoral visit in March.

15 December 2020

Thank you Sister Vivian – Mass of Thanksgiving: Sr Vivian Ukah link

Sr Vivian Retirement Mass 11am 15th December 2020

25 November

Burning Bush gets mentioned in the Advent edition of the Sower  link

18 August 2020. More and more we are conscious of the important role women have in the Church. This picture from the inauguration of the Catholic Women’s Association of Cameroonian women in the Archdiocese of Birmingham on 17 August 2019 highlights this fact.

28 July 2020. Meeting with Saqib Bhatti MP. link

28/29 June

Celebrating the Success of the Maryvale Sacred Heart Novena – streamed online Thursday 11th  June – Sunday 21st June  Maryvale Sacred Heart Novena streamed

21/22 June

Maryvale Sacred Heart Novena Live online from Thursday 11th  June – Sunday 21st June  link

Online details for the Novena link   About Maryvale Institute  link

16/17 May

About the Punjabi Chaplaincy

Letter to Archbishop Bernard on International Day of Prayer About the International Day of Prayer for Eastern Christians   Poster

3rd May

1st May. Vietnamese Chaplaincy donates PPE to City Council: link

21st March. Vietnamese Chaplaincy Fr Tam uses Facebook Messenger to catechize adults. Now Pham Chau will use the same online tool to tutor him and Sister Ho Pan prepare for IELTS exams so that their time in the UK can be extended. The time saved on face-to-face work due to the Virus will be well used. Please contact the Co-ordinator, Mgr Daniel McHugh, if you are interested in supporting your ethnic group with
learning English. https://www.facebook.com/100013549122968/posts/866676253794004/?d=n

Pope Francis in a video message has offered a prayer to the Blessed Mother during the coronavirus pandemic. The message was part of the Diocese of Rome’s day of prayer and fasting for the coronavirus emergency March 11.  An English-language translation of the Pope’s prayer is below:

O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.
At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith.
You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need.
We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee,
joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us:
He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us,
through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.
We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God.
Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test – and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions Day – Friday 6th March 2020

Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions Day
Some 25 Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions gathered at St Columban’s, Knowle, on 6 March for a major Conference on“Mission Today”.  The Conference was organised by Mgr Daniel McHugh and was attended by Archbishop Bernard Longley.
The keynote address was by Fr Eamonn Mulcahy and focused on the nature of the Church as a community that reaches out. He said “we never graduate in discipleship until  the day we die. The task for Catholic Ethnic Communities and our Parishes is to bring this to fruition”.
Father Mark Woodford of the Society of St John  Chrysostom led the group in praying an English translation of the Office of Consolation of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Chapel of St Columban.
Then after a brief time in the Garden of St Columban’s a lovely lunch  was enjoyed by all.
After  lunch Neville Kyrke-Smith of Aid to the Church in need spoke of the “suffering Church” Many  from the Diaspora Church in our midst today come from lands familiar with persecution, where ACN has supported rebirth. Finally, Father Anthony Dampson spoke of the value of the Overseas Clergy Orientation Course, which helps priests from abroad to settle in to mission in Britain, a very different experience from the lands from which they come.
Archbishop Longley concluded the day , linking it to the developing vision for the Diocese in the years to come. He said the Chaplaincy Priests have an important part to play in the future of the Diocese.

Francophone Chaplaincy Mass – Sunday 9th February

The Francophone  community attending the chaplaincy Mass were in the main  French speakers from the  Ivory Coast, Cameroon and the Congo.  They meet to celebrate Mass at 1.30pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month in St Patrick’s in Coventry. This Mass was celebrated by Canon Stewart, assisted by Rev Fr Matthew Pittam and Deacon Duodenny. Mgr McHugh gave the Homily; he now looks forward to the next Francophone  Mass in Birmingham celebrated by Fr Jeremy Howard. The Mass and Refreshments in St Patrick’s were filled with joy. It was good to be celebrating on Racial Justice Sunday , and to relate Chaplaincies to our proclamation of mutual respect for people of different races and people of different colour. The picture below was taken at the sign of Peace.

More photos are available at: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmLhNHf1

Interview with Bishop Kenneth Nowokowski head of  the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Britain – Sunday 2 February 2020

Bishop Kenneth Nowokowsk, new head of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Britain. Mgr McHugh first met “Fr Ken” with Abp Couve de Murville in Lviv, Ukraine in 1996. He met him again on Sunday 2nd February 2020 at the Ukrainian Cathedral in London. Listen to the interview.

Interview with Fr Jeremy Howard, Chaplain to the Francophone Community – 1 February  2020

Mgr McHugh met with him on 1 February in Our Lady of Lourdes in Hednesford to plan involvement of the Catholic Ethnic Chaplaincies at the next Pilgrimage Day. Listen to a short interview.

Christmas Mass of the Eritrean Community: Saturday 4 January 2020 link

The Christmas Mass of the Eritrean Community was celebrated at St Vincent’s, Ashted and Vauxhall, Birmingham on Saturday January 4.
Whilst Father Solomon (Eritrean Chaplain) was preparing for the Alexandrian Rite Liturgy, Mgr Daniel McHugh (Diocesan Ethnic Chaplaincy Co-ordinator) gave a short address.  The main points were:
Congratulations on keeping their Faith and practice alive with their special Liturgies, and for sharing these with the wider Church here. A message of solidarity with the Church suffering in Eritrea on behalf of Archbishop Bernard Longley.
Mgr Daniel McHugh, who attended the service in his role as Diocesan Ethnic Chaplaincy Co-ordinator, said: “Thanks to Father Solomon, Chaplain, for the work he does in supporting the Eritrean Community, co-operating with other chaplaincies in coming together with them at their meetings and special events such as the Intercultural Mass in October, and his personal support to me.”

Chaldean Mass 22nd December 2019 link

Korean Chaplaincy Gathering: Sunday 15 December 2019 link

A Korean Chaplaincy Mass and Christmas celebration took place at St Columban’s House Chapel, Knowle, yesterday (Sun 15 Dec). It was a lovely gathering of about 30 people, comprising mostly young families.  Mgr Daniel McHugh, Ethnic Chaplaincy Co-ordinator for the Archdiocese, greeted the community on behalf of Archbishop Bernard Longley and preached the Homily.  He was welcomed by the Chaplain, Fr Jacob Choi, an Augustinian Priest who travels from London for monthly Mass….

Filipino Chaplaincy Mass: Sunday 24 November 2019 link

Sower Page 20: Advent 2019

Ethnic chaplains have vital role in supporting migrants moving to UK link


Intercultural Mass celebrated – 26 October link

The annual Intercultural Mass marking One World Week has taken place.  Entitled ‘One in Service to All’ it drew together One World Week and Baptised and Sent, the October Month of Mission. Several different ethnic groups gathered together at St Catherine’s on Saturday 26 October and celebrated their Faith, Culture and Language. A wonderful, joyful celebration with Bishop David McGough presiding. A feast of different foods was enjoyed afterwards. A special thank you to all participants and to Fr Mario, the Host.

Eritrean Chaplaincy Celebration – 12 October link

The annual St Michael’s Celebration has taken place at the Eritrean Chaplaincy in St Vincent’s, Ashted and Vauxhall, Birmingham. On Saturday 12 October Fr Solomon, the Birmingham Chaplain, together with Fr Eymar from Westminster, and a large gathering of people were joined by Mgr Daniel McHugh, the Diocesan Co-ordinator of Ethnic Chaplaincies. It was a lovely, lively celebration. Young and old came to celebrate the Alexandrian Rite Liturgy. Mgr McHugh congratulated the priests who support people’s faith through enabling them to come together in the context of the liturgy and community gatherings.

Cardinal Cleemis visits Balsall Heath – 29 September  link

Cardinal Cleemis, Head of the Syro-Malankara Eparchy, has visited the parish of St John and St Martin, Balsall Heath. Cardinal Cleemis was welcomed by Monsignor Daniel McHugh, co-ordinator of Ethnic Chaplaincies, and Deacon Michael McKearney, who ministers in the Parish, at the service on Sunday 29 September.

Big Day Maria -17 August link

Big Day Maria:  Mass marking the Solemnity of the Assumption for the Cameroonian Community on Saturday 17th August  at St Anthony’s, Wolverhampton. …

Celebration time for all at St Elizabeth’s – 11 August link

St Elizabeth’s in Coventry celebrated its 14th Multicultural Mass of the African Day on Sunday 11th August.  This is an annual event sponsored by St Elizabeth’s parish community, having been started in 2006 by Fr Moses Pitya David, parish priest, to foster community cohesion and give support to several members of the parish who were then asylum seekers….

Chinese Chaplaincy of Birmingham – 3o July link

On Tuesday 30th July families gathered at St Catherine of Siena, Birmingham, to celebrate Mass. Father Joseph Liang, who is based at Assumption Priory, Victoria Park Square, London, travelled up to  celebrate with the Chinese community.

National Caribbean Pilgrimage to Walsingham – 30 June link

The National Caribbean Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham took place on Sunday 30 June 2019.  Members of the West Indian Chaplaincy in Birmingham joined others from across the country at Walsingham. This Annual Pilgrimage began in 1978 when Mgr Daniel McHugh and other Diocesan Chaplains decided to establish a Mass with a flavour of the Caribbean, steel bands, music from the different islands and so on. The people from the Caribbean are preparing with the whole country for the Rededication of the Shrine of Our Lady.

National Caribbean Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham

Hundreds gather for Corpus Christi procession – Sunday 23 June link

Hundreds of people took to the streets of Birmingham to take part in a Corpus Christi procession. This afternoon’s event was organised by the Polish community of St Michael’s, in conjunction with the cathedral, and supported by the Knights of St Columba who provided marshalling assistance. The Blessed Sacrament procession started at St Michael’s Church on Moor Street and finished at St Chad’s Cathedral. Archbishop Bernard Longley, along with several other Clergy and representatives from Religious Orders, were involved in the procession, which followed Mass at St Michael’s and exposure of the Blessed Sacrament for Veneration.  Throughout the procession petals were scattered along the route, and further prayers said upon arrival at the cathedral.

Father Krzysztof the Parish Priest of St Michael’s, said Corpus Christi Processions are very prominent in Church life back in Poland. He is happy to see his people embedding this practice here and sharing it with the wider Church. He was also very happy to have the support of Archbishop Longley and Religious Sisters who played a major role in the Procession.

Mgr Timothy Menezes, Administrator at the Cathedral and Mgr Daniel McHugh,Co-ordinator of Ethnic Chaplaincies, concelebrated the Mass leading to the Blessed Sacrament Procession.

Corpus Christi Procession, Birmingham

Syro Malankara 7th National Convention held in Wolverhampton 22/23 June 2019 – Saturday 22 June link

Archbishop Longley was especially welcome at the opening day of the Convention focusing on the theme of Family.

The Syro Malabar Community  is already running four Parishes in the Archdiocese. The Syro Malankara Rite Community has Mass in Coventry and hopes to have a Parish base soon in Birmingham.

The Convention was led by Bishop Theodosius, Apostolic Visitator for Europe, and Father Thomas, Co-ordinator in the UK  Region of the Church.

Mgr Daniel McHugh highlighted the wonderful support given by the Church in Kerala to the Community here, especially through the Priests who have come to minister to them. He encouraged the Syro Malankara people to keep the Faith through The Family, and to work alongside the host community to sustain our Catholic presence in the challenges the Church faces today.

Syro Malankara 7th National Convention held in Wolverhampton 22/23 June 2019

Planning meeting for One World Week Intercultural Mass – Thursday 16 May

A planning meeting took place in St Catherine’s Church, Bristol Street, Birmingham, to prepare the Intercultural Mass which will is held annually  in October to mark “one world “ week . The host was Fr Mario, the Parish Priest , who provided a lovely lunch for the priests working with Ethnic groups in the Diocese.

All are looking forward to the celebration which will be a highlight of the month of October which has been designated by Pope Francis as a time to reflect and pray about the Church as missionary.

Each year, thousands of people take part in One World Week events across the country.  Events are organised by volunteers with the common purpose: To share understanding about some of the global issues that affect us all and to recognise we can all make a difference.  For more information on  “One World Week – Working together for a just, peaceful and sustainable world” see https://www.oneworldweek.org/

Bridgettine Sisters  – Golden Jubilee of Mother Julia12th May

In the autumn of 1999 the Sisters of the most Holy Saviour of Saint Bridget (Bridgettines) came to Maryvale to a newly-built convent, when Mgr J McHugh was the Director of Maryvale.  The Sisters’ charisms of hospitality, contemplation, and their regular life have also enhanced the life of the Institute.

This celebration was at the Convent in Iver Heath, Bucks, where Mother Julia is now. Bishop Doyle was Celebrant as the Convent there is in his Diocese(Northampton). Bishop Pargeter was there to represent Birmingham Diocese.  As you can see, many of the Sisters are from India. For more information see http://bridgettine.org/

Brazilian and Portuguese Chaplaincy  St Gregory, Bearwood – 13th May.

A group Mass to mark the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, 13 May, in St Gregory , Bearwood.  Celebrant Fr Elio Alberti ( a Scalabrini Father) welcomed Mgr Daniel McHugh, Co-ordinator of Chaplaincies. This Chaplaincy started just over a year ago when lay people asked Fr Elio to celebrate Mass for them in their own language and support them in the Faith. Fr Elio travels to different parts of the country. There are many thousands of Portuguese and Brazilians in the UK.

Palm Sunday at the Syro-Malabar Parish. Story link Photos link

In preparation for Palm Sunday, Mgr McHugh visited Fr George Ettuparayil and interviewed him. Listen here:

Inaugural Meeting of Ethnic Chaplaincies – News article link. Photos link

St Patricks Day Celebrations 17th March 2019 News article link

St Patrick's Day - Birmingham 2019

Big Lottery grant boosts multi-faith project giving vital care to elderly. The Sower Easter Edition Page 8 Full edition link

The visit of the Major Archbishop His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry to Coventry on 26th November, 2018. News article link

 Visit of the Major Archbishop His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry

Archdiocese of Birmingham Directory 2020  Chaplaincies link

News of the Catholic Ethnic Communities is also carried on the ‘News’  link of the Website of the RC Archdiocese of Birmingham.