This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 7 February 2025
Dear All,
I am pleased to send you the link to my Reflection for this weekend: it draws on the Pope’s Intention for the First Friday 7 February and the Feast of St Josphine Bakhita 8 February, and relates these to the Gospel for this Sunday. At the same time I am sending you again the flyer for the Intercultural Mass on the Feast of Pentecost in June; prayer and action in families to encourage Vocations, especially for us Priestly Vocations in Ethnic Communities, is so vital for the future of the Church in the Diocese, where we speak so often about reducing Masses and closing Churches!
I am planning to circulate the Reflection as part of the Burning Bush vlog tomorrow morning (see our website Ethnic Chaplaincies: Our Lady of Good Counsel). At the same time, I will be posting a vlog on the Chinese New Year which is currently underway (29 Jan – 12 Feb). The Hong Kong Community had a lovely celebration Mass at St Anne’s, Digbeth, this last Friday 31 January with Archbishop Hon, the Papal Nuncio in Malta and Libya.
I am also sending you the updated flyer on the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock and environs: it looks like a lovely balanced tour/pilgrimage experience.
Next week I am taking my post-Christmas break so you will not hear from me, but I will be thinking and praying for you.
All good wishes,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Intercultural Mass 2025-Flyer PilgrimageFlyerBirmingham10Mar2025 Reflection for the 5th Week in Ordinary Time 9 February 2025
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 31 January 2025
Dear All,
Tomorrow Friday 31 January the Hong Kong Community here have a special visitor to celebrate Mass on the third day of the Chinese Lunar New Year: Archbishop Hon, the Papal Nuncio in Malta and Libya. I am planning to take the opportunity to interview him and learn more about the involvement of the Church in this celebration. The Mass in Cantonese will be livestreamed from St Anne’s Church, Digbeth, and a report available on the Diocesan website as well as our own Our Lady of Good Counsel Ethnic Chaplaincy website. The Archbishop will be referring especially to the Jubilee Year of Hope and I have produced (attached) a flyer I will circulate about some of the events. I hope Hong Kongers will consider supporting in the Jubilee Year. I hope you will consider taking part too. Paul Northam has a list of the many celebrations taking place during the Jubilee Year (for information:
I am pleased to send you the link to this weekend’s Reflection on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. I hope you find it helpful for your own Homily preparation. It will be recorded in the Burning Bush vlog tomorrow morning.
Prayers for a joyful celebration of the Feast of the Presentation.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
JY 25 Events-Ethnic Chaplaincies & Eastern Churches Reflection for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 2 February 2025
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 26 January 2025
Dear All,
I am pleased to send you all the flyer advertising the Jubilee Year Intercultural Mass on 7 June, so that you can pass it on to your Community. With the focus on prayer for “Priestly Vocations” in the Ethnic Communities the Mass will be followed by a Day for Enquirers arranged in association with the Diocesan Vocations Office, and Sunday afternoon visits to St Mary’s College, Oscott, for Chaplaincies, arranged with the Seminary Rector.
We are also offering opportunities for Pilgrimages to mark the Jubilee Year: Walsingham 10 May; Evesham 5 July; and Harvington 7 September. Please let me know if you are interested.
I hope you find my Reflection for Sunday of the Word/3rd Sunday of the Year helpful for your own Homily preparation. It will form part of the Burning Bush vlog from tomorrow, Friday.
With all best wishes and prayers for your important ministry
Mgr Daniel McHugh
3rd Sunday of the Year (C) and Sunday of the Word of God 26 January 2025 Intercultural Mass 2025-Flyer
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 19 January 2025
Dear All,
I am pleased to send you today the flyer promoting the Jubilee Year Intercultural Mass which will take place on Saturday 7 June marking the Solemnity of Pentecost. To celebrate the Jubilee we have a special focus on promoting Priestly Vocations in our Ethnic Communities, especially through families.
My Reflection this week focuses on the Sacrament of Marriage in the Jubilee Year. I hope you find it helpful with your own preparation for this weekend’s Homily. As usual, it will feature in the Burning Bush vlog which will be ready tomorrow morning, Friday 17 January.
I am also sending you details of a special Mass in St Chad’s Cathedral on Saturday 8 February arranged by Birmingham Hospitalité. It would be good to promote this in your Communities: I feel many nurses and young people especially may like the opportunity to find out more about Lourdes and our service of sick pilgrims there.
Prayers and all good wishes for your important mission.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Intercultural Mass 2025-Flyer Lourdes Feast Day Mass Blurb for Parishes 2025 Reflection for 2nd Week of Ordinary Time (Year C) 19 January 2025
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 12 January 2025
Dear All,
I am pleased to send you my Reflection for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. I hope it will be a help after the busy Christmas period. I expect to record it as part of the Burning Bush Vlog tomorrow morning, Friday, so that your Communities can use it as part of prayer in the coming week. It will be posted on Our Lady of Good Counsel, Ethnic Chaplaincies website.
This coming week I hope to circulate the notes on the Ethnic Chaplaincies Day with Archbishop Bernard, and to update you on proposals for Pilgrimage in the Jubilee Year.
All good wishes and prayers for your ministry in the New Year 2025
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for The Baptism of the Lord 12 January 2025
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 5 January 2025
Dear All,
I hope your Christmas celebrations continue and come to a happy completion with the Solemnity of the Epiphany.
I look forward to supporting you in any way I can, particularly in the Jubilee year. Do be in touch if I can assist in some way with the celebrations you are planning for your Community.
My Reflection for the Epiphany this week draws on the New Year celebrations, and attempts to link it to the Jubilee. I will be recording it on the YouTube Burning Bush video tomorrow morning. I hope you find it helpful for your Homily preparations for the weekend.
All good wishes and prayers for the coming year 2025.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for The Solemnity of the Epiphany 5 January 2025
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 19 December 2024
Dear All,
My thoughts and prayers are with you for a Happy and Blessed Christmas. I’m sure you will seize the opportunity this joyful season brings of meeting your community and celebrating with them.
In my Reflection I have looked ahead to the Jubilee Year, and I hope you will think of joining one of the Diocesan Pilgrimages or arranging your own to a Jubilee Church. I have mentioned Evesham in my Reflection, and I am also hoping to arrange a coach to Walsingham on 10 May; if you would like to join with others please let me know.
The Annual Intercultural Mass, celebrated by Bishop David Evans, will have a special Jubilee context and focus on Priestly Vocations. The date is 7 June, Pentecost weekend, I hope you will be able to join us for that. Please let me know if your community would like to participate.
My Reflection will be incorporated into Burning Bush on our website this evening. I will not be troubling you this week, but hope to have a New Year Reflection on 2 January for the Solemnity of the Epiphany.
Prayers and again all good wishes for Christmas.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Day 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 12 December 2024
Dear All,
I enjoyed a short break in Rome last week, and you will note it has impacted on my Reflection for the 3rd Week of Advent: it is attached, and later it will feature in our Burning Bush Vlog on Our Lady of Good Counsel Ethnic Chaplaincies website. I hope it is helpful with your own Homily preparation for the coming week.
On Tuesday 17 December at 11:30 a.m. we are having a meeting to take forward our preparation for the Jubilee Intercultural Mass this coming year: the date has been changed to 7 June (Pentecost weekend) so as to facilitate those wishing to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham on 10 May. If you can join us on Tuesday please do so; it’s at St Brigid’s, 63 Frankley Beeches Road, Northfield, Birmingham, B31 5AB. At the same time I hope we can plan a coach for the Pilgrimage to Walsingham to mark the Jubilee Year. Some Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions will join local parishes or arrange their own, but we can arrange transport jointly for those who wish to get together with other Ethnic Communities for one reason or another. Please let me know.
With prayers and all good wishes as we continue our Advent journey.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 3rd Week of Advent 15 December 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 28 November 2024
Dear All,
On Friday last 22 November we held our Annual Meeting and Conference for Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions in the presence of Archbishop Bernard. It was very fruitful, particularly in a special focus on the Jubilee Year brought to us by Paul Northam, the Diocesan Organiser. You can reach him on 0121 321 5148 and Paul can lead you to a number of resources. Personally I have been thinking of the Diocesan Pilgrimages as opportunities to take forward the themes of “Hope and Forgiveness” central to the Jubilee and also visits to Churches in the Archdiocese which in some cases link to Diocesan Pilgrimages. I would appreciate hearing from you, if you would like to take some of your community to a particular place, but would like assistance especially through joining others for a shared coach.
I have used my Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent to focus on the Jubilee Year; I hope you will find it helpful. It will be part of the Burning Bush vlog from this evening, and you may wish to share it with your community to use personally or in prayer groups.
I will not be sending you a Newsletter this coming week as I am making a short Pilgrimage to Rome.
With prayers for a Blessed Advent, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 1st Week of Advent 1 December 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 21 November 2024
Dear All,
Tomorrow, 22 November, we have our Annual Day with Archbishop Bernard for Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions. We have a major focus on the coming Jubilee Year: how we can celebrate it together, praying for Priestly Vocations, and how we can open our hearts in Hope and Forgiveness in 2025. I look forward to sharing the outcome of the Day with everyone.
I am also sending you my weekly Reflection: this week it is on the Solemnity of Christ the King. The Reflection will be part of our vlog Burning Bush from tomorrow, Friday. Three people help me with the production of the Burning Bush: Con, Ian and Damien. I am pleased that Archbishop Bernard has granted them the Diocesan Ubi Cantes Award in recognition of their service to the Ethnic Chaplaincy. This will be presented to them in their local parishes this weekend.
All best wishes and prayers for your ministry, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 24 November 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 14 November 2024
Dear All,
This coming week on Friday 22 November we have our Annual Ethnic Chaplaincy, Eparchy and Mission Day with Archbishop Longley. I would be grateful if you could confirm that you will be attending via email: or by phone/WhatsApp 07812 110640 this weekend please. St Paul’s Convent Centre requires numbers attending.
I sent the Programme last week, but I am sending it again: we have 2 major issues to deal with: financial transparency as Charities and proposals for the Jubilee Year 2025, especially our focus on Priestly Vocations. The latter will be taken up in ‘Planning for the Intercultural Mass’ (scheduled 10 May) at a meeting on Tuesday 17 December at 11.30am in St Brigid’s Church, 63 Frankley Beeches Road, Northfield, Birmingham B31 5AB. Host: Fr Cecil Rogerson. Please let me know if you will be able to attend.
Archbishop Bernard has a Pastoral Letter this weekend; I am attaching it for Chaplains outside the Archdiocese. Also I have prepared and attached a Reflection which will be part of the Burning Bush vlog later this evening. You may find it relevant for the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the vlog to share with your Community for a short time of Prayer and Reflection.
With prayers and all good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
33rd Week of the Year and the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 17 and 21 November 2024 Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter 16_17 November 2024 Programme Day with Abp Longley 22 Nov 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 7 November 2024
Dear All,
I am pleased to forward the Invitation and Programme for the Day with Archbishop Bernard on 22 November St Paul’s, Selly Park, Birmingham. Please do make attendance at this annual day a priority, and confirm by the end of the coming week, 15 November. We have a number of important matters on the Agenda, including the Ethnic Communities Project on Priestly Vocation for the Jubilee Year 2025.
As usual I am sending you a link to my weekly Reflection, which will be incorporated into the Burning Bush vlog when it is recorded tomorrow morning, Friday 8 November.
I am also sending the link to a notice from Cardinal Nichols inviting us to a Holy Hour for Dignity of Life on 13 November at 5.30pm. This is in the context of the movement towards ‘Assisted Dying’
And, finally there will be an Interfaith Vigil of Prayer for Peace at St Anne’s in Digbeth, Birmingham, on 14 November 7pm to 8:30pm. Please let your Community know about this.
With prayers and all good wishes for your ministry, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Interfaith Peace Vigil-14 November 2024 Programme Day with Abp Longley 22 Nov 2024 Reflection for 32nd Week of the Year 10 November 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 1 November 2024
Dear All,
I am pleased to send you a link to the mailing from Paul Northam, the Diocesan Co-ordinator for the Jubilee Year: attached is the Diocesan flyer about the Jubilee Year 2025. While this has been sent to parishes, some of the Ethnic Chaplaincies could miss out and am I sure your Communities will be happy to hear more about what is being planned for the Year entitled “Pilgrims of Hope” by Pope Francis.
I am also sending you the Programme for my Deanery Day for Catechists, 16 November, which will be of interest to all who are considering renewal of their Catechetical programmes in the light of the Jubilee. Paul Northam will be speaking on that day and he hopes to have some of the Booklets from Alive Publishing. While it is a Deanery Day, it is open to others. There are a number of interesting sessions including one with Bishop David Evans who will be able to update us on implementing Antiquum Ministerium: Instituting the Ministry of Catechist.
My Reflection for the coming Sunday draws on the Encyclical from Pope Francis on the Sacred Heart of Jesus (published 24 October) in relation to the Gospel of the 31st Sunday Year B. I do think this Encyclical is something special when it comes to renewing the practice of this old devotion! The Reflection will be part of our vlog Burning Bush which will be recorded and posted this Thursday evening. I am grateful to Archbishop Bernard for awarding the Ubi Caritas to the 3 lay people who help us produce “Burning Bush” each week. This vlog provides 10 minutes of prayer and reflection to use at home or in a prayer group each week.
Prayers and all good wishes for your ministry, Mgr Daniel McHugh
31st Week of the Year 3 November 2024 Jubilee Rollfold Message from Paul Northam Programme-Day for Catechists-16 November 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 25 October 2024
Dear All,
Today I am attaching a link to the Church Appeal to help displaced people in Lebanon. Aid to the Church in Need has launched the Appeal, and one of our Chaplains, Fr Shafiq Abouzayd from the Melkite Community has become involved. Fr Shafiq celebrates Mass in Oxford for Melkites there, and has celebrated Mass in Birmingham for Lebanese, Iraqis and Syrians a couple of years ago. The situation in Lebanon formerly a Christian/Catholic country, has changed dramatically due to immigration in recent years. The Church there deserves our prayer and monetary support. In Birmingham we have a small Maronite Community (the Maronites are the majority Catholic Community in Lebanon) and we linked up with them in a Schools’ Project following the explosions in Beirut. If you feel you can help, please be in touch with Fr Shafiq or Dr Caroline Hull who is the new Director of ACN.
I am pleased to attach my Reflection for the 30th Week and All Saints. No doubt young people in your Communities will be taken up by Halloween, so I have focused on presenting our alternative celebration of All Saints and All Souls! I hope you find this helpful for your Homily this Sunday or on All Saints Day. I have referred to the new Encyclical being published today by Pope Francis on the Sacred Heart: the Solemnity of All Saints coincides with the First Friday so you may wish to draw attention to key points being made by the Pope. Burning Bush will be recorded tomorrow, Friday evening, and put on our website:
Prayers and all good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for 30th Week of the Year and Solemnity of All Saints 27 October–1 November Help Lebanon ساعدوا لبنان
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 18 October 2024
Dear All,
This week we began our preparation for the Intercultural Mass and Priestly Vocation on 10 May next year marking the Jubilee Year, which begins in Advent this year. The meeting at Oscott College resulted in a number of practical developments; the Intercultural Mass and Priestly Vocation theme will begin with Mass at St Brigid’s Church, Northfield, Birmingham. Fr Cecil Rogerson PP will be the host. Then later in the year, an Ethnic Chaplaincies’ Priestly Vocations Enquirers Day will take place at Oscott College, with help from Fr Craig Szmidt (Vocations Director) and at the same time a series of evening visits to the College for Ethnic Chaplaincies with a focus on Vocation will be planned by the Rector, Canon Micheal Dolman.
Our Chaplaincies’ Day with Archbishop Bernard is taking shape for 22 November at St Paul’s Convent, Selly Park, and I will be able to circulate the Program shortly.
I help organise a Day for Catechists in my local Deanery: the next one is on 16 November at the Abbey, Erdington, Birmingham. If you are interested in coming or sending Catechists you will be most welcome. I am attaching the Programme.
Finally, I attach a Letter from Cardinal Vincent on the proposed Assisted Dying legislation. You may find this useful if you have not already received it.
All good wishes and prayers for your ministry, Mgr Daniel McHugh
29th Week of the Year–World Mission Day-20 October 2024 Cardinal Vincent – Letter on Assisted Dying Day for Catechists-20241116-flyer
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 4 October 2024
Dear All,
I hope you have put the date of the Annual Day with Archbishop Bernard on Friday 22 November in your diary. One of the topics on the Agenda will be Guidelines on Finance and Chaplaincies: I hope we can agree on a draft to go to the Archdiocese for consideration.
The Day will take place in the Dupuis Centre, St Paul’s Convent, 94 Selly Park Road, Birmingham B29 7LL. The charge there is £30 per person for the use of the Centre and Chapel, together with morning coffee, lunch and tea before departure. This is a reasonable charge to your Chaplaincy, Eparchy or Mission.
Another topic on the Agenda will be the special Intercultural Mass on 10 May 2025 at Oscott College: to mark the Jubilee Year we will have a special focus on ‘Priestly Vocation in Ethnic Communities’. Please see whether you have any leaflets on Vocation to the Priesthood that can be available on the day. A planning session will take place Monday 14 October 10:30am at Oscott College (12:30 Mass and 1:15 pm lunch). Please let me know if you intend to be present for this.
I am attaching the text of my Reflection for the 27th Week of the Year. I hope you find it helpful; it will be recorded in the Burning Bush vlog tomorrow, Friday 4 October.
All good wishes and prayers for your ministry, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 27th Week of the Year 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 29 September 2024
Dear All,
I have read again the message of Pope Francis for the 110th World Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees, “God walks with His people.” (29th September). In England and Wales the lead Bishop is Paul McAleenan and he has sent a message to mark the Day too. You will find this on the Bishops’ Conference website together with resources to help you mark the day. Only this week I was speaking with Deacon Subhi Zora of the Chaldean (Iraqi) Chaplaincy about the voluntary work he does in my local parish, helping with teaching of English to Asylum Seekers and other recent arrivals from Ukraine and Hong Kong. It is wonderful to hear of so much taking place quietly in our parishes and to know too of Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions playing their part.
My Reflection this week focuses more on the challenges to the mission of a Synodal Church. I focused on the World Day for Migrants and Refugees some weeks ago. The Reflection will feature in the Burning Bush vlog which will be available tomorrow, Friday morning. I hope you find the Reflection helpful as you prepare your Homily for the weekend.
Prayers and all good wishes for your Ministry. Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 26th Week of the Year 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 22 September 2024
Dear All,
This weekend we are looking forward to a Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Bernard. So, my weekly Reflection may be helpful on the Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham, 24 September, my 57th Ordination Anniversary! It will be on our website, Our Lady of Good Counsel, from this evening. I have linked the Reflection to the Holy Eucharist and Our Lady, so you may wish to take ideas from it for a Holy Hour as you prepare for the Jubilee Year.
Thinking of the Jubilee Year and our Intercultural Mass in May ’25 with a focus on Vocations to the Priesthood, you may wish to join me at a planning meeting at Oscott College, Monday 14th October. Please let me know.
Prayers and all good wishes for your Ministry. Mgr Daniel McHugh
25th Week in Ordinary Time and the Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham 22 and 24 September 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 15 September 2024
Dear All,
This past week I was on a Pilgrimage “In the Steps of the Saints” in Northern Italy. We saw it as helping us to grow “as missionary disciples” (a theme for Evangelii Gaudium this Sunday) inspired by the Saints we celebrated. Our focus extended into the Jubilee Year and the power of the Eucharist to help each of us play our part as witnesses to Christ. I have developed this in my Reflection 00which is attached for the 24th Sunday. I would appreciate your thoughts on any way we can support each other in the coming Jubilee Year.
On Friday 22nd November we have our Annual Chaplaincy, Eparchy and Missions day with Archbishop Bernard. This year it will take place at St Paul’s Convent Retreat and Conference Centre (the Dupuis Centre) in Selly Park, B29 7LL. Please place it in your diary!
Prayers and all good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 24th Week in Ordinary Time and Evangelii Gaudium Day
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 29 August 2024
Dear All,
As the School Holiday period draws to a close I am sure you are thinking of the coming academic year as a time for new beginnings. In my Reflection I have touched on two areas you may wish to consider:
Family Catechesis linked to Sunday Mass. A meeting with Priest friends earlier this week has inspired me to consider a programme being offered in the USA called PFLAUM, which involves parents in children’s catechesis before or after Mass on a Sunday. I plan to discuss it at our next Deanery Catechists’ Day in November.
The Jubilee Year 2025: I have also touched on this in my Reflection, and linked it particularly to a time of Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament (Adoremus in Parishes and Ethnic Chaplaincies) on Sunday 15 September. It might be worthwhile asking for ideas for the Jubilee Year from “the Faithful” following the time of Adoration.
I hope you find my Reflection useful! It will be part of the Burning Bush vlog later this evening.
Next week I am on Pilgrimage with a group from my former parish, so there will be no ‘Reflection’.
All good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 22nd Week of the Year-1 September 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 15 August 2024
Dear All,
This coming week I will be visiting Walsingham with a priest friend for a time of quiet prayer and Mass in the Slipper Chapel, the National Catholic Shrine of Our Lady. There I will remember the Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions in prayer. So, no mailing to you of a Reflection or Newsletter!
Archbishop Bernard has given me the date for our Annual ‘Day with the Archbishop’: it is Friday 22 November. Please put this date in your diary; details of themes, venue etc will follow. I would be grateful if you would let me have suggestions for themes you would like to have covered on the Day.
My Reflection for the coming week is especially focused on the International Eucharistic Congress and our own National Congress in St Mary’s College, Oscott, and in our Parishes and Chaplaincies. The Reflection is attached and will be incorporated also online in the Burning Bush vlog which will be available tomorrow morning.
Just one matter I wish to draw to your attention; the Annual Dowry of Mary Pilgrimage to Walsingham on 1 September. We have a small group of young people from Eritrea; if you are planning a visit and have places to spare on your coach, please let me know.
All good wishes and prayers, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 20th Week of the Year
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 8 August 2024
Dear All,
I have been receiving communications for some time from the West Midlands Strategic Migration Partnership. This week I have received a briefing on staying safe amidst Far Right violence. I am forwarding it to you in case any community is feeling under threat at this time.
I hope you find this week’s Reflection helpful, especially in the light of the racial hatred and violence being inflicted on many immigrant communities across the Midlands at this time. I found the message from Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees Sunday 29 September which was forwarded to me by Archbishop Bernard particularly helpful. In addition, I have drawn on ‘Love the Stranger’ published by the Bishops of England and Wales. My Reflection will be part of the Burning Bush vlog for this weekend later this evening.
In case you find it helpful, I am hoping to have a blog on the website focusing on the Dedication of St Mary Major in the coming days; you may be able to link it to the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady!
All good wishes and prayers, Mgr Daniel McHugh
19th Week of the Year and the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady 20240524-world-migrants-day-2024 Staying safe amidst FR violence – FINAL
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 1 August 2024
Dear All, I hope you have the opportunity to watch some of the Olympics in these days. The distasteful scene reflecting the Leonardo Last Supper Painting at the Opening Ceremony continues to make waves, and I have included comments on it in my Reflection for the 18th Week of the Year. This will be on Burning Bush from later this evening, Thursday 1 August.
Peter Luczka of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Coventry has sent details of an upcoming charity journey to Ukraine. I think Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions would like to assist.
“Medical & Winter Aid Collection for Ukraine.
Pastor Jim Morris of Life Church in Bedworth, who has made a number of trips over the past 2 years with humanitarian aid into Ukraine, is going again in early October, this time with 3 vans, full of medical & winter aid to help those in need in Ukraine.
On each trip that Jim and his team make, as well as delivering the aid, they then leave the vehicles in Ukraine, often used to help transfer injured soldiers from the front line to a point of safety for medical help.
The majority of the aid is taken into affected places & villages, mainly south of Zaporizzhia.
If you feel able & are willing to donate to help Ukrainians in need, attached is a list of items that have been requested by those in Ukraine.
Collection point is the Ukrainian church in Coventry, timings when donations are being accepted are shown in attached pic – through the whole of August.
If you’re unable to get to the church, please contact me in private to try make separate arrangements.”
Thank you in advance for anything you are able to donate. His email is:
All good wishes and prayers for this coming summertime. Mgr Daniel McHugh
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 28 July 2024
Dear All,
This weekend we have World Day of Grandparents and Elderly. I am conscious that many in our Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions have Grandparents and Elderly back home in their countries of origin, and will be thinking of them as we pray together. You will find the Holy Father’s Message for this Day very inspiring and I have attached the Prayer for the Day that you may wish to use at Mass.
In my Reflection I have focused on this Day particularly in the light of my own experience and also linked it to the Gospel for the 17th Sunday of the Year. I found the website of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales very useful, especially with ideas for the celebration of Grandparents and Elderly. Our own Bishop David Evans is a spokesperson for the Day, and you may like to listen to his interview to be found on the website too.
Please note I have secured a few places for Ethnic Chaplaincies at the Adoremus Celebration at Oscott College on 14 September; please be in touch if you have not been able to gain access via your Parish links. Priests may find it helpful to offer to hear Confessions on the day!
All good wishes for a quieter August and Prayers for renewal of spirt too.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
adoremusinparishes1 GMNA-24_Prayer_ENG Reflection for 17th Week in Ordinary Time 28 July 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 21 July 2024
Dear All,
In my Reflection for this coming week I have drawn attention to ‘Adoremus’ at Oscott on 14 September and in Parishes on 15 September. I know how much Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is treasured by Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions, so I hope you will be able to take part in Adoration in your local parishes and/or in your Ethnic Communities on Sunday 15 September. It is a special day to be one in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament with the whole Church praying for renewed strength in our Mission of taking our Faith in Jesus to the world.
I was present at the Ordination of Bishops Timothy and Richard on Tuesday 16 July in St Chad’s; it was good to see so many of you there. I am sure both of them will be supportive of the Ethnic Chaplaincies in their pastoral areas as they settle into their new roles. Please keep them in your prayers together with Archbishop Bernard and Bishop David.
This week’s Reflection is attached, and it will be incorporated into “Burning Bush” when it is recorded tomorrow, Friday 19 July. It will be posted on Our Lady of Good Counsel Ethnic Chaplaincies website a bit later than usual tomorrow evening.
With prayers and all good wishes for the summer time.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 19 July 2024
Dear All,
I am pleased to send you a flyer about the Ethiopian Chaplaincy. Fr Tilahun has arrived recently and has a challenge to reach out to the small Ethiopian Catholic Community in the Archdiocese and to the North. He will celebrate his first Mass in St Francis, Handsworth, Birmingham. If you can assist by distributing the flyers in your Chaplaincies, Parishes and Schools it would be appreciated.
As usual I am sending my Reflection for this weekend; I have picked up on the political situation we see unfolding in the country and elsewhere. I have noted the words of Pope Francis at the recent Italian Catholic Social Week in Trieste, and the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network Intention for August. I hope you find this helpful as you prepare your own Homily for the coming weekend. The Reflection will feature in our Burning Bush vlog which will be on our website from tomorrow, Thursday.
Prayers and all good wishes for your Ministry, Mgr Daniel McHugh
15th Week in Ordinary Time 14 July 2024 Ethiopians Geez Rite Mass-21 July 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 4 July 2024
Dear All, In past years I have sent out details of the National Course for Overseas Ministers about this time of the year. I am pleased to forward details of the Course for September 2024/May 2025 organised by Missio in collaboration with the Missionary Union. If you would like to attend please make contact with the Vicar General. I do recommend it especially for those from overseas in the first years of Ministry in the UK. In the past there was just one week and now, in light of experience, it is spread over two (September 2024 and May 2025). Please note bookings are required as soon as possible, and payment by 1 August 2024.
I am pleased to send you my Reflection for the 14th Week of the Year: I started to draft it yesterday, the Feast of St Thomas, Apostle. This gave me the opportunity to pray for all Blessings on the Syro-Malabar and Syro-Malankara Communities, together with the Tamil Chaplaincy and Syrian Catholics too! Thank-you for the vital contribution you are making to witnessing our Catholic Faith – the Faith of St Thomas – in the UK today.
All good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
2024-25 National Course 2024-25 Registration Form National Course Reflection for The 14th Week in Ordinary Time 7 July 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 27 June 2024
Dear All, I am very pleased to forward you information and brochures about Higher Education Courses being offered by Maryvale Institute. As many of you will know I was privileged to have the opportunity, together with others, to found and set up blended distance learning courses at Maryvale Institute between 1980 and 2000. The Higher Education dimension began in 1990, and it is a special joy to see this continue through partnerships now being developed. Bishop David Evans, Vice President of Maryvale Institute, sent a general letter to Diocesan Priests and Deacons this week (copied to you), and, knowing your interest, I was in touch with Fr Michael Cullinan, Director of the Higher Institute of Religious Studies, to congratulate him, and to ask for further details. Deacon Harry Schnitker (Director of Research) responded with the information that would be of particular interest to you.
I am pleased to forward my weekly Reflection for the coming weekend’s Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul. It will be recorded in video as part of the Burning Bush vlog: you will be able to see it on the Ethnic Chaplaincy Our Lady of Good Counsel website.
With prayers and all good wishes,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
BDiv Brochure 2024 BDiv Diaconal 2024 Exciting Developments at Maryvale Licence Catec 2024-25 final draft One page flyer Reflection for The Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul 30th June 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 20 June 2024
Dear All, this week my Reflection incorporates developments in the Chaldean Church in Iraq. Deacon Subhi Zora has shared with me his article on the return of Cardinal Sako to Baghdad after a year in exile. It is pleasing to be able to draw this to your attention and I would be glad if you could keep me in the picture about developments in your homelands that could be of interest to other Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions.
I am sending you a link to the flyer about the Pilgrimage to Hednesford on 7 July. Our fellow Chaplain, Fr Jeremy Howard, would be pleased to see you promote the Pilgrimage which is led this year by Archbishop Bernard.
This week I am including Canon Jonathan Veasey in our mailing; our prayers are with him as he becomes Vicar General on 1 September. Our thoughts and prayers are with Monsignor Timothy Menezes and Canon Richard Walker who have been Vicars General in the recent years as they are ordained Auxiliary Bishops of the Archdiocese in July: both have been very supportive of the Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions.
With prayers and all good wishes for your important ministries.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Hednesford Pilgrimage Poster 2024 Reflection for 12th Week of Ordinary Time 23 June 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 13 June 2024
Dear All, I am pleased to send you the notice from the Diocesan Website on the Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes at Hednesford on Sunday 7 July; it is organised by Fr Jeremy, our Francophone Chaplain and Archbishop Bernard is leading the Celebration. Hednesford is not too far from many of you in Birmingham and environs, and it will be a good occasion to join in the Year of Prayer leading to the Jubilee Year 2025 2024 Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Hednesford, Staffordshire | Birmingham Diocesan Trust ( My Reflection for the weekend draws on the Ongoing Formation days we had this week, and the arrival of Taylor Swift. I am not a “Swiftie” but we learn something from her incredible ability to touch the concerns of people and build community! The video recording of the Reflection will be part of the Burning Bush, which will be available later today on Our Lady of Good Counsel, Ethnic Chaplaincies Website. With prayers and all good wishes for your ministry. Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for 11th Week of the Year in Ordinary Time 16 June 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 6 June 2024
Dear All,
In my Reflection this week I have attempted to link the great events making headline news in our country with the current Liturgical celebrations. I hope the Chaplaincy Faithful will find that helpful.
I am sending the link to the Guidelines for the Election on July 4 from the Bishops’ Conference:
I have also had a request from the Communications Department in the Diocese that Chaplains let us have their RCAOB addresses. Can you please check your email address if you are based in the Archdiocese and advise accordingly.
Prayers and best wishes for your important contribution to our Mission in the Diocese.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
CBCEW-Election24-A4-Poster Guidelines for the Election on July 4 from the Bishops’ Conference Reflection for 10th Week of the Year in Ordinary Time 9 June 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 31 May 2024
Dear All, I am pleased to forward my weekly Reflection: this time I have attempted to draw into one the great Solemnities of Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart. I hope you find it helpful for your own Homily on one or other of these Feasts.
I am also sending you the link from the Diocesan website for the Novena of the Sacred Heart of Jesus beginning at Maryvale this evening 30th May, and ending on the Feast Friday7th June.
Annual Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 2024 | Birmingham Diocesan Trust (
With prayers and best wishes for all you do in service of our many ethnic communities.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 23 May 2024
Dear All, I hope you are keeping well as we prepare for some big Feasts, especially Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi and Sacred Heart. I am pleased to send you my Reflection for the Most Holy Trinity and to forward again the flyer about the Catechist Training Day in June.
I am pleased to let you know Archbishop Bernard is supporting a special Intercultural Mass and Promotion of Vocation to Priesthood which is being planned for May next year (Jubilee Year) at Oscott College. Please put 10 May in your Diary, and let me know if you would like to be involved in planning for it: a meeting will take place at Oscott College on Monday 14 October.
All good wishes and prayers for the celebration of the Most Holy Trinity.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Day for Catechists-St Ambrose Barlow Church-June 2024 Reflection for The Most Holy Trinity–26 May 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 16 May 2024
Dear All, This week I am forwarding the Invitation from Archbishop Longley to Parishes and Chaplaincies to the ongoing Formation event for Priests at Woodland Grange. If you are not in one of the parishes you may not have received this; I hope you will consider attending 11-13 June.
I am also sending you the flyer I am circulating about a Day for Catechists which I am setting up for the Deanery I am part of in Birmingham. I am sure it will be useful for any new or existing Catechists you would like to take advantage of training/formation.
My Reflection for Pentecost Sunday is attached: I hope you will find it helpful; it draws on the Papal Bull, which has been issued for the coming Jubilee Year 2025.
With prayers for the guidance of the Holy Spirit on your vital work.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Day for Catechists-St Ambrose Barlow Church-June 2024 Synod for Priests, 11-13 June 2024 Reflection for Pentecost Sunday–19 May 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 9 May 2024
Dear All, Just this morning I have been invited to preside and preach on Pentecost Sunday at a parish cluster where an “African Mass” is being celebrated to mark the day when the Church opened up to the whole world. It is encouraging to see this development taking place in a number of areas in the Archdiocese; it is a wonderful way of celebrating the increasing diversity of the Church in terms of the many “peoples and languages” we now see among us. It is also an opportunity to consider the witness to the world we are being called to in the Gospel for the Seventh Sunday of Easter: the ‘world’ may be opposed to what we proclaim because of the actions of the “evil one”, but with Mary alongside us, we do not refuse the invitation we have received to witness to Jesus our Risen Lord.
I am sending you a link to my Reflection which will form part of Burning Bush which will be produced tomorrow morning. Prayers for the success of your Ministry.Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 7th Week of Easter12 May 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 2 May 2024
Dear All, I am pleased to forward my Reflection for the Solemnity of the Ascension which we celebrate Thursday coming, 9 May. It has been impacted on by the Requiem of my friend and fellow student in Rome, Father David Standley, which took place in Southwark Cathedral on Thursday last 25 April. Fr David’s life influenced many; you can read a moving Obituary in last week’s Tablet Journal.
I am taking the opportunity of the Newsletter to send you:
1. An updated message and Bidding Prayer from the Catholic Bishops Conference for the International Day of Prayer for Eastern Christians, 5th May (sent by Archbishop Bernard’s Office).
2. A Newsletter from Aid to the Church in Need highlighting the wonderful work of ACN in raising awareness in the UK Parliament of the atrocities being waged on Christians in Nigeria. You will note again the important initiatives ACN is responsible for in places like Ukraine, and you may be able to draw them to the attention of Missions, Chaplaincies and Eparchies. Here is the link to the Newsletter: UK: Catholic charity shines light on Nigeria massacres in UK Parliament (
With all good wishes. Mgr. Daniel McHugh
Reflection for The Ascension of the Lord 9 May 2024 International Day of Prayer for Christians of the East, 5 May 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 25 April 2024
Dear All, I am pleased to send you my Reflection for this weekend – the 5th Sunday of Easter. I have made a link to the Feast of St Joseph the Worker (1 May) a favourite Memorial of mine. It will form part of the Burning Bush Vlog, which will be on Our Lady of Good Counsel, Ethnic Chaplaincy website on Friday.
I am sending you notice of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham from Father Philip Griffin in case you have missed it. I am sure he would like to see Ethnic Chaplaincies represented.
All good wishes and prayers for your important ministry in the Church.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Day Pilgrimage to Walsingham 11 May 2024 Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Easter28 April 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 18 April 2024
Dear All, I am attaching my regular Reflection for the coming weekend: the focus, as you would expect, is on the Good Shepherd. I hope you find it helpful with preparations for your Homily.
I am also attaching the list of Clergy Training Days on Safeguarding. As some of you are outside the Archdiocese it is important for you to know that priests coming regularly for Ethnic Chaplaincy Masses are expected to attend one of the Clergy Training Days. Deacons, who are working, please note weekend extra training days are being arranged for you in case you cannot make the weekdays already arranged. If you want further information, please contact Safeguarding on 0121 230 6240.
With prayers and all good wishes for your ministry as we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday. Please note the forgotten Feast of Our Lady, Mother of the Good Shepherd: it could be celebrated as a Votive Mass this Saturday or next!
Mgr Daniel McHugh
MANDATORY SAFEGUARDING TRAINING 2024 Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Easter–21 April 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 11 April 2024
Dear All, I hope you have had a break after the Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies. As you will note in my Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Easter (attached) I enjoyed a few days in Norfolk: this has led me to include references to St Julian of Norwich. The Reflection will be part of the Burning Bush vlog on our website tomorrow Friday 12 April.
A special note of appreciation to those who were able to join us for the Catholic Men’s Easter Monday Mass in St. Chad’s Cathedral. I received warm thanks from Archbishop Bernard and Monsignor Timothy for your contribution to the Liturgy on that day: I gather you also enjoyed being there and I hope it can be an annual date for your diary.
There are two important matters I wish to consult you about:
The Jubilee Year of 2025: I am proposing that we mark this as Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions united in the Archdiocese. Your thoughts on what we do and when are most welcome, so please come back to me. My thought is that we expand the Annual Intercultural Mass which has been supported by all of you, and give it a special focus such as Vocations. I have thought of the month of May for this rather than February so that it can be celebrated in better weather. I will talk with Archbishop Bernard about this, so please let me know soon what you think.
The financing of Chaplaincies: This varies depending on when and how Chaplaincies were set-up. It would be advantageous to have Diocesan guidelines, that respect your situation, but include basic principles on accountability etc. I have been speaking with Eric Kirwan, CEO and started to consult some of you. I am aware of course that the Eparchies and Missions have their own systems in place, so these ‘guidelines’ will not be interfering in anyway. If you have ‘guidelines’ in place already it would be good to hear from you, so please be in touch.
I have been asked by the Cameroonian Women’s Association to help organise a Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi. This is now underway and bookings are requested by 15 May. We have managed to secure a very good price and excellent Hotels for the week long Pilgrimage at the end of October, beginning of November. Please see the Flyer attached.
Prayers for the wonderful season of Eastertide. Mgr Daniel McHugh
Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi 2024
This week’s Reflection: Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Easter–14 April 2024
Older news Archive
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 28 March 2024
Dear All, I am pleased to send you my Reflection for Easter Sunday. Amid all you have to prepare for the Triduum, I hope this will be a help in composing your Easter Sunday Homily. The Reflection will form part of Burning Bush, the vlog which will be on our website tomorrow, Good Friday.
A big ‘thank-you’ to those who are participating in the Easter Monday Men’s Mass. If you are coming personally to concelebrate or your people are attending please be sure to let me know so that your Chaplaincy can be acknowledged.
Next week I will not be sending you my usual Reflection and Newsletter as I will take a few days break.
In conclusion, I am sending you a link to ‘Lift Your Soul with Chant’ which came to me from Fr Shafiq, our Chaplain to the Melkite Community. I find the Russian Chant uplifting and I hope you do too:
Prayers and all good wishes for the Blessings of Eastertide.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for Easter Sunday–31 March 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 21 March 2024
Dear All,
As we enter Holy Week, I am more conscious than ever of how little space there is for the central celebration of our Christian Faith in society today. Will Good Friday, a Bank Holiday, make much difference to the usual “business” all around us? I suspect the Good Friday celebration of the Passion of the Lord will be even more squeezed this year!
I hope my Reflection for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord will be a help in your preparation of your Homily which is especially important to help our Community to focus on the Paschal Mystery, the heart of our Faith in Holy Week.
The Reflection will feature in Burning Bush which will be on our website later this evening.
With prayers and all good wishes for a Blessed Holy Week
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for Palm Sunday of the Passion–24 March 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 14 March 2024
Dear All, I am pleased to forward the updated flyer for the Easter Monday Men’s Mass: it is celebrated in Sacred Heart, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent and St Osburg, Coventry, as well as in St Chad’s Cathedral. I was not sure of the details until this week, and my focus has been on St Chad’s Cathedral. I hope, if it is more convenient for your Community, that you will consider supporting the Mass in your Episcopal Area. Chaplains will be welcome to concelebrate, and people are encouraged to wear traditional dress + take a flag/banner to highlight their presence. In St Chad’s the different Communities will be named and welcomed (as the Pope does at the Sunday Angelus in St Peter’s Square!).
This year the St Patrick’s Day Parade returns to Digbeth/Deritend in Birmingham after the Covid years. The Parade (one of the largest in Europe) will have a Diocesan Mass, celebrated by Bishop David Evans, in St Anne’s, Digbeth (the Irish Quarter) at 10 am before the Parade begins at 12 noon. Fr Eamonn Corduff, Irish Chaplain, Fr Robert, Parish Priest and myself will concelebrate. As you will see from the Parade website you don’t have to be Irish to attend! Website:
Many of you will have received details of upcoming Diocesan ‘Safeguarding Days’. I am sending this information to you as the Days are intended for Ethnic Chaplains active in the Diocese even if they live elsewhere. You will need to book in, please.
I am attaching Archbishop Bernard’s Pastoral Letter for the 5th Sunday of Lent as some of you are from outside the Diocese. I am not sending my usual Reflection.
Finally, if you would like to have a key member of your Community included in the Ethnic Chaplaincy mailing, please let me know. Frequently a lot of the organisation of your Mass and other events is done by lay people or religious sisters and it may help to keep them informed. I list them under “Associates”.
Prayers and all good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
Easter Monday Men’s Mass 2024 New Series of Clergy Safeguarding Training Days Pastoral Letter – Fifth Sunday in Lent (16-17 March 2024)
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 9 march 2024
Dear All, You may recall I drew your attention to the Easter Monday Men’s Mass at St Chad’s last year. I went along to concelebrate and I noted a good representation of the Eritrean Chaplaincy there. This year I am hoping we can increase the presence of Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions. The tradition goes back over 100 years to a time when the Real Presence in the Eucharist was publicly questioned by a senior figure in another Church (not something you would expect in these Ecumenical times!). The result was a public affirmation of the Real Presence led by the Catholic Men’s Society: so it became known as the Easter Monday Men’s Mass. It is a tradition unique to this Diocese, and it would be sad if it was lost: it is an opportunity for us to become part of the tradition, proclaim our Faith in the “Real Presence” and commit ourselves to the Mission of the Church in this Archdiocese. Though the men (grandfathers, sons, grandsons) take a lead, it is of course open to the whole community. In St Chad’s refreshments will follow the Mass and there will be an opportunity to share your story if you wish!
I am attaching a flyer for you to use in promoting the Easter Monday Mass. It would help if you could let me know if you are going to be represented. I am sure Archbishop Bernard would like to highlight those present at St Chad’s.
Also attached is my weekly Reflection; I draw attention to the importance of the Eucharist in the Mission of the Church, and how the tradition of the Easter Monday Mass supports the Mission to hand on our love of the Eucharist to future generations.
Prayers and all good wishes.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Easter Monday Men’s Mass 2024 Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 29 February 2024
Dear All,
I am happy to thank all who made our Annual Day with Archbishop Bernard on Tuesday last, 20 February, such a success. There is a Report and pictures on our website Our Lady of Good Counsel Ethnic Chaplaincies. And we were delighted at the wonderful celebration of the Annual Intercultural Mass at St Mary the Mount, Walsall, on Saturday 24 February. Again, there is a Report and pictures (taken by Cousin Con) on the website. Many thanks to all the Communities who supported this, both at the Mass and the Social – with special food afterwards. Now we are looking forward to the Easter Monday Men’s Mass (Dads, Grandads and boys do the work!! And women are invited). A flyer will be available next week.
Please find attached my weekly Reflection, which will be recorded on our Burning Bush vlog later this evening. I pick up on matters to do with our Church Funerals in the light of recent celebrity “celebrations”. Also attached is an important link I received from ‘Right to Life’ regarding a proposal to reduce the time limit for Abortions given advances in science: Also, a link to the recent Aid to the Church in Need Newsletter focusing on its initiatives for Ukraine, 2 years on, and the Holy Land (Israel and Gaza). Our own Bishop Nowakowski is quoted extensively on a project to help priests who are facing horrific trauma every day in the war. Please see if there is anything you can do to help! UKRAINE: Two years on… (
Finally, welcome to Father Tilahun Tenkir who has arrived in Birmingham to start a Chaplaincy for the Ethiopian Community. We assure him of our prayers for his new ministry.
All good wishes and prayers for your good work. Mgr Daniel McHugh.
This week’s Reflection. Reflection for the 3rd Week of Lent 2024 (002)
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 22 February 2024
Dear All, I am very pleased to confirm we had a very successful Ethnic Chaplaincy Conference with Archbishop Bernard based at Fr Hudson’s Care on Tuesday 20th this week. I will write up a short Report to go with pictures on our website, Ethnic Chaplaincies Our Lady of Good Counsel. Now we look forward to the Intercultural Mass on Saturday 24th February at St Mary the Mount, Walsall. We are delighted to have such a good response from Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions together with local Parishes and Deaneries. I am sure you will be able to see the Mass livestream if you are unable to attend, and Con McHugh is planning to have it recorded so that you can also see it on our website afterwards.
Archbishop Bernard made a point of inviting Ethnic Communities to be present at the Easter Monday Mass in St Chad’s and other parts of the Diocese; it is a wonderful tradition that I would like to see us helping to enrich and sustain alongside the Catholic Men’s Society who originally promoted it and continue to be involved.
I am pleased to attach my Reflection for the 2nd Week of Lent; it will be part of the Burning Bush vlog on our website from tomorrow morning. I am pleased to say a good number of people use it for 10 minutes of Reflection and Prayer each week.
Prayers and all good wishes for your good work this coming week.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Lent 2024
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 15 February 2024
Dear All, I am returning from my post-Christmas break today. On my mind has been confirmations of attendance at :
Annual Day with Archbishop Bernard on Tuesday coming 20 February which this year is taking place at Fr Hudson’s Care in Coleshill. If you have not confirmed your attendance, please do so by tomorrow Friday 16 February. We have to let Fr Hudson’s know about numbers for lunch etc.
Annual Intercultural Mass on Saturday 24 February: again we are still awaiting confirmation from some expected participants. Please do be in touch so that the programme can be completed.
I am attaching the message from Pope Francis for Lent which has been forwarded by Archbishop Bernard. I am sending this in case anyone has not received it by another route.
And, especially for those not in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, I am attaching material for the Year of Prayer from the Office for Mission in the Archdiocese. I am sure you will find this helpful, especially in Lent.
With all good wishes and prayer for your good work,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Lent Message 2024 WeDareToSay_resources
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 9 February 2024
Dear All,
I am pleased that we are making progress with participation in the Intercultural Mass 24 February.
1. I am attaching the rundown of the Mass and social
2. Please email Anysia Fung at: regarding your Community’s part in singing, music etc. And confirm with Fr. Jobin the Parish Priest at St Mary the Mount, Walsall re. food being bought/taken; his email is:
I am sending you the Programme for our day with Archbishop Bernard on 20 February. Please confirm your attendance and advise me of any contribution you would like to make to the ‘Around the Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Mission’ session in the afternoon.
As usual I am attaching my Reflection for the Sixth Sunday and the Season of Lent; I have taken the opportunity to speak briefly about “Assisted Dying” there. Also, I am attaching the article from the online Catholic Herald, which I refer to. I hope you find it useful.
I will not be sending you the usual mailing next week, Thursday 15 February, but I will be keeping in touch about our upcoming events: the Day with Archbishop Bernard 20 February, and the Intercultural Mass.
With all good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
2024 Annual Intercultural Mass Rundown
2024 Programme_Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Mission
Reflection for Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time and the Season of Lent 11th and 14th February 2024
The terrible truth about assisted dying_Lessons from Canada and Australia_Catholic Herald Article
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 2 February 2024
Dear All,
This week I am pleased to forward the email/letter from Fr Jeremy Howard re the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage upcoming in Spring Holiday week at the end of May.
A number of our Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions have healthcare professionals among their members, and it would be good for them to know that they are invited to take part assisting sick Pilgrims – so, please circulate Fr Jeremy’s email (he is Chaplain to the Francophone Community too).
I am sending the link to my weekly Reflection which has a special focus on the World Day of Prayer for the Sick, while relating this to the Sunday Gospel.
Please note the Annual Day for Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Mission with Archbishop Bernard is on Tuesday 20th February at Fr Hudson’s Care Board Room and Chapel, Coleshill and the Annual Intercultural Mass is at St Mary the Mount, Walsall on 24 February: Archbishop Bernard is main Celebrant.
All good wishes and prayers for your pastoral work.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 25 January 2024
Dear All,
This week I am forwarding two notices from the Bishops’ Conference:
1. On Racial Justice Sunday this weekend 27/28 January
2. On the proposed Job Description for a National Catholic Chaplain for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
These have come from Bishop McAleenan, Lead Bishop for Racial Justice, via Archbishop Bernard. On the second I have been asked to comment for accuracy, so do be in touch if you would like to make any observations.
In my Reflection for the Fourth Sunday I have made a link to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. I hope you find it helpful: it has been prepared in the context of Racial Justice Sunday, and a recent media publicity about Racism in Football. The Reflection will feature in the Burning Bush vlog in audio on the Ethnic Chaplaincies website tomorrow, Friday.
Please note the second meeting preparing for the Annual Intercultural Mass (24 February 2024) will take place on Tuesday 30th January at 11.30am in St Mary the Mount, Glebe Street, Walsall WS1 3NX. This is the entrance to the Church and Hall, rather than the Presbytery given in the Directory. You are most welcome to join and help with preparations.
Prayers and all good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
2024.01.19 – Racial Justice Sunday – Letter and Links Job Description for position of National Catholic Chaplain for GRT
This week’s Chaplaincy Newsletter: 18 January 2024
Dear All,
This week I am forwarding two flyers. I hope you will note especially:
1. One in the form of a letter from Archbishop Bernard regarding the Annual Easter Monday Men’s Mass in St Chad’s Cathedral. I hope you can circulate this to your Community – it would be nice to see them having a part in this tradition going back to the First World War. Maybe you could come personally with a group.
2. The second is promoting the Annual Intercultural Mass which takes place this year on 24 February in St Mary, The Mount, Walsall. I hope you can bring a group from your Chaplaincy, Eparchy or Mission. Archbishop Bernard is Principal Celebrant this year.
Finally, I am giving you the link to my Reflection for the 3rd Sunday. I hope you find it useful; it will be recorded as part of our Burning Bush vlog which will be on the website tomorrow.
With prayer and all good wishes for the coming week. Mgr Daniel McHugh
Ethnic Chaplains – Easter Monday Men’s Mass Intercultural Mass Flyer 2024
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 11 January 2024
Dear All,
In my Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of the Year 14 January I refer to the Year of Prayer in preparation for Jubilee Year 2025. Basically, I am suggesting people take the opportunity to hear the Lords’s call as Samuel does in the First reading, and link this to our Diocesan Programme. The Cantonese speaking community is arranging a Day of Prayer in April with a visiting priest from Hong Kong: this will be done in the context of the Diocesan Programme which you can find on the website of the Archdiocese. It is under the leadership of Paul Northam, who I am sure, will be pleased to hear from you. I am happy to share the outline of the Cantonese Day of Prayer with you, if you wish to consider one for your Community.
The Reflection for the 2nd Sunday is attached and will be part of the Burning Bush Vlog from tomorrow, Friday, on Our Lady of Good Counsel Ethnic Chaplaincy website
With prayers for all Blessings on your ministry this coming year, 2024
Mgr Daniel McHugh
2nd Sunday of the Year 14 January 2024
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 4 January 2024
Dear All,
My thoughts and prayers are with you for all Blessings as you begin the New Year 2024.
I would like to remind you of The Annual Day with Archbishop Bernard which takes place on Tuesday 20 February 10:30am to 3:30pm in the Board Room and Chapel at Fr Hudson’s Care, Coventry Road, Coleshill B46 3EA. Please put this in your Diary.
Then on Saturday, 24 February The Annual Intercultural Mass will take place at 12 noon in St Mary’s the Mount Church and Centre, Walsall WS1 3NF. We hope to see all Ethnic Communities represented at the Mass and social gathering afterwards. A preparatory meeting is taking place on Tuesday 16 January at 11:30am in St Mary’s the Mount Presbytery – you are warmly invited to participate.
I am sending you the link to my Reflection for the Solemnity of the Epiphany: 7 January. This will be incorporated into the Burning Bush vlog Friday 5th January. I hope you find it helpful as you prepare your Homily for this wonderful Feast, which is the high point of Christmas for many of us.
All best wishes,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord January 7 2024
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 29 December 2023
Dear All,
I am pleased to forward you Archbishop Bernard’s Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Holy Family this coming weekend. If you are not in this Diocese you may like to have it for your Parish or Chaplaincy.
I am also forwarding my Reflection for 1 January the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God and World Peace Day. On New Year’s Eve there is a tradition of holding a Watchnight Service in the West Indies. I was happy to adopt it when I was Chaplain to the West Indian Community, holding a Mass at night on New Year’s Eve. I had this Mass for the Solemnity in mind as I prepared this Reflection.
I hope you will find it helpful as you prepare Mass for New Year.
With prayers and all good wishes for 2024,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
pastoralletter-feastoftheholyfamily30-31december2023 Solemnity of Mary Mother of God-Queen of Peace-1 January 2024
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 21 December 2023
Dear All,
A brief note to wish you all the Blessings of the Nativity of the Lord. I am happy to be returning to my former Parish for Christmas Midnight Mass; I pray you will enjoy being with your own Communities at this special time.
I am attaching my Reflection as usual; this one for Christmas Midnight. I hope it will be of assistance to you as you prepare your Christmas Homily.
Next weekend we look forward to Archbishop Bernard’s Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Holy Family. I will forward it to you next week in case, not being in the Archdiocese, you do not receive it.
I will be preparing a Reflection for New Year’s Day, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and for Peace as we begin 2024 on 1 January.
With prayers and all good wishes,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord 25 December 2023
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 14 December 2023
Dear All,
I pray you are keeping well as the challenges of the last Advent and then Christmas Services are upon us. I have enjoyed putting some thoughts together for my weekly Reflection focusing on Gaudete Sunday. I hope you find it helpful in what is a busy time; it will feature in the weekly vlog Burning Bush, which will be on the Ethnic Chaplaincies Our Lady of Good Counsel website tomorrow, Friday.
Looking towards the Annual Intercultural Mass on Saturday 24 February 12 noon at Our Lady of the Mount, Walsall, please note there will be a preparatory meeting on Tuesday 16 January at 11:30 am hosted by Father Jobin SDV. The Deaneries of Lichfield and Walsall, and Dudley and Wolverhampton, will be represented by their Deans Father Malcolm Glaze and Monsignor Mark Crisp. I hope Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions from the Deaneries will be represented too, please, though the meeting is open to everyone.
All good wishes and prayers for the coming week,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for 3rd Week of Advent Sunday 17 December 2023
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 7 December 2023
Dear All,
Last week I focused on migration in my Reflection as it was “Migrants’ Sunday.” I try to bring Church teaching to bear on the issues of the day when possible in Homilies. This week I’ve focused on “Environment” in the context of COP28. Again, I hope you find some points that are useful for your Homily preparation. The Reflection is attached as usual and will be recorded in the Burning Bush vlog tomorrow morning and posted on our Ethnic Chaplaincies website. Do please forward it to your Community if you feel it will be of interest.
It is nice to hear from you and to be invited to your Masses and Celebrations. Last weekend I was at the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Coventry for the Blessing of a new Crucifix in the grounds of St Volodymyr Church. I plan to post a video of the occasion on our website in the coming days. The people of Ukraine, like many of our Ethnic Communities, continue to suffer oppression. The Crucifix is a wonderful symbol of the Lord being with us in our pain.
Prayers and all good wishes for a Blessed Advent,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for 2nd Week of Advent and Our Lady of Guadalupe 10 and 12 December 2023
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 30 November 2023
Dear All
Paul Northam is our Diocesan Jubilee Co-ordinator: preparations for this begin on the First Sunday of Advent when the Year of Prayer is launched.
I am sending you the link ( Year of Prayer Poster) to Paul’s material; if you are not in the Archdiocese you will find this helpful.
My Reflection is also attached. I hope you will find the focus on migration helpful; the International Day is in September, but is replaced by Thanksgiving for the Harvest.
With all good wishes for a Blessed Advent,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent (Year B) and St Nicholas of Bari 3 + 6 December 2023
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 23 November 2023
Dear All,
As I write this weekly Newsletter for the Solemnity of Christ the King, I already look forward to next Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, when I will be present for the Blessing of a new Cross in the grounds of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St Volodymyr the Great, in Coventry. As it happens, my Reflection (attached) for this coming Sunday, Christ the King, focuses on Jesus crucified, our King.
The Cross in the grounds of St Volodymyr goes back the First World War and is being donated by Canon Tom Farrell of Christ the King Church in Coventry. Monsignor David Senyk marks 19 years of his time in Coventry on the occasion, and he writes: “this Cross will stand the test of time for generations to come, continuing to inspire and guide all who visit our Church.” At this time when the people of Ukraine continue to suffer the horror of the ongoing war, we pray that their Faith in the Crucified Lord, who came in love for us, will inspire all Ukrainians. Next Sunday is “Migrants Day”: may many who come to us as refugees and asylum seekers from different parts of the world, come to know Christ our King through our witness in love and service.
With prayers for all blessings on your Ministry,
Mgr Daniel McHugh
Reflection for Solemnity of Christ the King 26 November 2023 “The Lord will bless his people with peace”(Psalm 28).
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 16 November 2023
Dear All,
Next weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. It is also National Youth Sunday, and in the Archdiocese we promote the work of the Kenelm Trust, our Diocesan Youth Service. I am sending you an email I received from Father Chris Yule, the Chaplain at Alton Castle and the Soli Centre, seeking our support for the work of the Trust. Having recently arranged a visit by Hong Kong Youth to Alton Castle for an overnight, I want to support Fr Chris and the Team there. Our young people had a wonderful experience: if you would like to speak with Francis and Louisa who accompanied the Youth Group, please get in touch. It is really worthwhile thinking of arranging a Youth overnight to the Castle; I am happy to give you contact numbers etc.
As usual I am forwarding my Reflection for this weekend’s Masses. I hope you find it helpful. You will find it included in our Burning Bush vlog from tomorrow, Friday, 17 November.
With prayers for your important ministry, God Bless
Mgr Daniel McHugh
33rd Week of the Year and the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary WYS Letter
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 9 November 2023
Dear All,
I have been thinking further about the content of our Day for Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions with Archbishop Bernard on 20 February 2024. There are topics that it will help us to have input on and I have some in mind e.g. the varied and developing work of St Hudson’s Care. That will be of interest to our communities now and in the future. Then especially with visiting priests coming from abroad, there are matters to do with visas and safeguarding that could do with addressing and updating. Finally, there have been events, really worthwhile sharing, from different Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions. Could you consider developments in your own Community that could be shared with others. I have been very encouraged to see what is happening across our different communities in the past year.
I am forwarding my Reflection for this weekend. This will be recorded tomorrow morning on the Burning Bush vlog which will be on our website:
With prayers and all good wishes, Mgr Daniel McHugh
32nd Week of Ordinary Time and the Feast of St Hilda of Whitby
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 2 November 2023
Dear All,
I am writing this as I leave Rome today, 2 November, after some days here and in Assisi. I came partly to look at preparing for a Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi next year requested by the Cameroonian Catholic Women’s Association, and partly to prepare a Sunday Reflection introducing the Holy Father’s latest Apostolic Exhortation on Climate Change and the Environment. I am attaching this, and as you will see, it draws on the inspiration Pope Francis found in life of the great St Francis of Assisi. I hope you find it helpful as you prepare your own weekend Homily.
I was in St Peter’s Square yesterday for the Angelus: Pope Francis marked All Saints Day with a special blessing from the Apostolic Palace; he asked us all to continue to pray for Palestinians, Israelis and Ukrainians in the present wars going on there, and elsewhere in our troubled world. Today 2 November he is celebrating Mass at the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery in Rome. I mentioned in last week’s Reflection plans in the Deaneries to remember in prayer our parishioners and loved ones at our cemeteries. I hope you can draw this to the attention of those attending Masses in Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions.
See link for the latest appeal from ACN for Gaza Christians: link.
Wishing you all Blessings in the coming week.
Mgr Daniel McHugh
31st Week of the Year and Laudate Deum 2023
Chaplaincy Newsletter: 26 October 2023.
Dear All,
Further to my last Newsletter I am pleased to confirm venues
For the Annual Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions Meeting with Archbishop Bernard on 20 February 2024 10.30am which will take place in the Board Room and Chapel at Father Hudson’s Care,
St George’s House, Gerards Way, Coleshill B46 3FG
For the Annual Intercultural Mass on 24 February 2024 12.30 St Mary the Mount, Vicarage Walk, Walsall WS1 3NF
I am pleased to forward the link to this weekend’s Reflection, which I hope you will find useful, especially as it focuses on our visits to Cemetries during November. I am sure Deaneries would welcome your assistance with Blessing of Graves when possible.
All good wishes and prayers for the coming week.
Mgr. Daniel McHugh
Reflection for 30th Week of Ordinary Time and the Solemnity of All Saints 2023 “You broke with idolatory when you were converted to God, and became servants of the real living God” (1 Thes 1:5-10)